Chapter 2: Sonic's talk with Tails

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Ever since I revealed the truth about my past, it seems like it was a total dream. Still, I hope that I can save Mobius from Rototnik , and possibly meet my mother for the first time.

As I was playing with my guitar, I notice Tails who was staring at the window. 

I was curious, yet concern for him. Ever since we met, he's like a brother to me. Like any brother should, I should talk with him to make sure he's all right. 

"Tails?" I asked the fox with a curious voice, "Are you ok?" 

He said, "I don't understand it, Sonic. Why? Why did you keep a massive secret that you were a Prince from me, I thought we can tell each other everything!" 

I sigh, as I knew that I must've hurt his feelings. 

"I'm so sorry, Tails. It's just that, talking about my childhood wasn't that easy. When I was living with my foster parents, I was happy. 

That completely changed when Rototnik's robots arrested them and set my childhood home on fire. 

Luckily, I was taken in by my Uncle Chuck, who formed the resistance against Rototnik. "

The fox was amazed. "Really? Your Uncle Chuck formed the resistance?"

I nodded.


As I was listening to the reason of why Sonic didn't reveal he was indeed a royal, it seems like it explains why he has a total grudge against Dr. Eggman.  

He was the same person, and he literally took Sonic away from his family for a long time. I couldn't even imagine how life was if I was in his shoes. 

I wished that Cosmo was with me, she can help us with this type of stuff. 

"Really? Your Uncle Chuck formed the resistance?" I asked, trying to make things less obvious that I was thinking about Cosmo.

"Yeah, you bet, Tails! It's called the Freedom Fighters, and you know me, speeding through and messing things up for Dr. Rototnik.

That was the day I met Sonia and Manic, by Oracle. The Oracle of Delphius appears to me and reveals the Prophecy. " 

"What Prophecy?" I ask, curiously. 

"Well, according to Oracle, one day we will be reunited with Queen Aleena, and form the Council of Four, and will overthrow the evil deeds that Dr. Rototnik has done to Mobius."

"It seems like it wasn't an easy task since Eggman basically follows you everywhere." I point out.

"Yeah, that is mostly true. See this medallion? This has powers only I can wield. My electric guitar has blasters to shoot at the robots.

It allows only Sonic Underground is in harmony in order to activate. Also when one of us in trouble, it'll spark."

"So, you can sing? I didn't know that? What song did you use to reconnect with Sonia and Manic when you first met?" I ask.

"Oh, that song. It was called "Someday." How about we give you guys a demo of what Sonic Underground is all about? How about it, Sonia, Manic?"

"Yeah, let's do it!" Manic said, as Sonic, Manic, and Sonia rubbed their medallions as their instruments came out as Sonic strums a string. 

It amazes me as I see Sonic's happiness singing with his siblings. I knew that we have to help him fulfill the Prophecy and help him to have the family he has dreamt of in all of his life. 

As the song ended, the instruments disappears as Chris clapped, applauding them, "That is totally amazing song, guys. 

Especially you, Sonic. Who would've believe that you have a talent like that?"

Sonic blushes in total embarrassment, "Well, it has been a while since Sonic Underground has an audience like you guys. 

It's going to be a hard fight, guys. It's not going to be easy with Dr. Rototnik is on our tails and try to ruin our chances to find Queen Aleena." 

I said, "Don't worry, Sonic. We'll help you find your mother and you will fulfill the Prophecy coming true. 

You can count on us." 

Sonia said, beaming, "It's going great that we have some friends that we can rely on. Sonic, you made some cool friends." 

Chris said, "Ah! You should've seen how Sonic was when we have our adventures together. He and Dr. Eggman really had each other's nerves. 

And boy, when something involves with someone that Sonic cares about, don't ever make him tick off." 

Manic said, "That's our bro." 

As I went off by myself, I look at the photograph of Cosmo and me under the moonlight. It was a secret photograph, that we know about.

 It was a secret photograph, that we know about

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I wished she was here, with me. 

Someone asks, "Who is that, Tails?"

I jump, as it was Manic. 

"Manic! I.. um.." I stutter quickly as he gazes at the photograph. 

"She's um, my crush and our friend before we knew you and Sonia ever existed. Her name was Cosmo, she's an alien, who helped us collect the twelve Chaos Emeralds and restoring the Planet Eggs to their rightful place . In doing so... She ... sacrificed her life force to save us." 

Manic said, "I'm so sorry, Tails. I didn't know. I shouldn't ask if it bothers you so much. " 

I put the photograph away, "It's all right, Manic. It is just I missed her, and besides, I wished Sonic could've told us from the very beginning about Sonic Underground and you guys being siblings! 

I mean, if we known that on the get-go, we would've helped you no matter what!" 

Manic turns to see his older brother and sister talking to Amy and the others, "Well, Sonic and Sonia are a handful, but things would be any other way. 

I'm glad though, that he has friends like you, Tails. 

I just know that we'll find Queen Aleena and restore Mobius back to what it used to be. " 

I said, "Thanks , Manic. I'll do my best to reunite you with your mother, I promise." 


Even though I reunited with my siblings, it still makes me wonder if I would ever beat Dr. Eggman. 

He already made my life miserable, and I have to make him pay for it. 

"Sonic, you feeling ok?" I turned to see Chris who was looking at me. 

"Oh, Chris! Sorry, I was just thinking about something, that's all." 

"Oh, thinking about Eggman, right? C'mon, I know you, ever since we met, you seemed worried about others before yourself. 

As for me, I knew that this would be all right in the end. " 

I blink, with surprise, can we really pull this off?

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