Chapter 9: A tempt Offer

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It has been a few days since Queen Aleena has been found, and she really trying to adjust that the children she had abandoned has been grown, especially with Sonic. 

Honestly, I couldn't blame her. If I was in her situation, I would be overwhelmed with all the new experiences. 

I sighed, as Shadow looked directly at me. "You feel ok, Chris? You seem quite since Queen Aleena arrived. " 

"It's nothing." I replied back to the black hedgehog, as that I was trying to adjust that I wasn't jealous. 

Sonic was in room, with his biological mother, as that everyone has to think of an idea of how to make the prophecy come true for restoring Mobious. 

"Well, we are finally together." Manic said, trying to break the silence. Cosmo nods with that statement , "It's true that you're back, but how we going to finally free Mobious from Dr. Eggman, considering of all those robots he has with." 

"Cosmo's right, it's way too suspicious if he knew that Queen Aleena is alive and that she's with us, none of less, no offense." Tails said. 

I just stood there, just trying to adjust it. I just can't udder believe that Sonic is willing to go through with this again.

As I was going through the streets, a familiar bot came by and snatch me from provent me from calling for help. 

As I woken, I see I was in front of the man that got me shook. It was no other than the man himself... Dr. Eggman.


I am completely worried about what the Oracle said. "Beware your heart's desires." I wonder what he meant by that. 

Clearly it is something to do with the Prophecy of forming the Council of Four, and restoring Mobious to its former glory.

"Sonic?" I heard Queen Aleena asked me, as that I was lost in thought. "Oh, Mom. Sorry, what were you saying?"

Sonia was getting annoyed at me, "You were zoned out for a while. We were hoping of that seeing that our mother is alive, we were thinking about how to let the citizens know that the Queen is alive." 

Manic said, "We were thinking of sending out radio machines to the town without the robots seeing them . It's perfect." 

But Bunny asked, "Is that even a good idea, considering that Dr. Eggman is completely out there and trying to turn everyone to robots? What about the Rotobicizer?"

"Well, it's very risky and dangerous in any seniro no matter what we do." I sigh, "But Eggman already had his fun long enough! We have gotten through a lot, and we foiled his plans time and time again . His reign of terror ends-" 

As I was about to end my sentence, it was Tails who came bursting in. "Guys, I haven't seen Chris anywhere. He's missing!" 

"What?!?" We exclaimed as I used my speed to find him, as Queen Aleena yells, "Sonic, wait!" 

But I didn't listen to my biological mother, as I continue using my speed as fast I could, as then out of nowhere a bullet hit me, causing me to fall, as I groan in pain. 

"What is going on?" I mumbled . I tried to get up, as that I noticed a familiar face. It was Chris, but his expression was changed, almost unrecognizable. 

"Very good. I am proud of you." I heard a familiar voice. It was Sleet! "Sleet, you dweeb! What you doing here, what you done to Chris?!?"

The henchmen didn't reply to my question, as Chris picks me up and place me in handcuffs that prevents me from using my speed. 

I struggled against the temptation as I was placed under a cell and Chris was unfazed of what he has done. 

He begins to walk away, "Chris! Chris, wake up! It's me, Sonic! Please let me out of here, Chris!" 

He ignores me, as the door shut loud as thunder. 


I'm worried about Sonic. True, that sometimes he gets over his head and goes without thinking, I want the guy at least slow down and think. 

"Sliver, you're worried about Sonic, aren't you?" Tails asked me. I nodded. "Is that too oblivious?"

Tails chuckled, "C'mon, Sliver. This is Sonic we're talking about. He has found something and he has to find Chris by now. " 

I wasn't too sure about it. I think something horrible must've happened to him, and I am going to investigate. 

I quietly leave the hideout, as I possibly can, as I was leaving, I heard a familiar voice, "You're really are a sneaky one, Sliver." 

I turned around to see it was Manic. I was shocked of seeing the green hedgehog, "Manic, how did you know I -" 

"Leaving the hideout? C'mon, dude, I know you're going to see where my bro left. I'm worried about him too, you know! 

So, I'm going with you as a backup." 


"No buts about it. I'm going with you and that's final, Sliver. " He said, as I sigh with there was no absolute point of trying to reason with the young prince of Mobious. 

"All right, I guess that we should get going before the others suspects we've left already. " 

"All right, follow me to the sewers, it would way faster to find Sonic and Chris." He said, as I groan in disgust. 

"Awe, and here I thought things wouldn't get any worse." 

"Just trust me, dude. I know what I'm doing." The green hedgehog replied to my statement as I followed him to the sewers. 


Here's a brand new update! What you think happened to Chris when he was kidnapped by Eggman? 

Will Sliver and Manic find Sonic in time? 

Give your theories in the comments below and vote! 

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