Chapter 17: Apologies and Forgiveness

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We sprint through as fast we could. Although, I hate to admit it, I never thought that I would've become Dark Sonic again. 

As we continue our way to the battlefield, I was reicent, mostly because of what happened earlier and it was the first time that Sonia and Manic ever seen my dark version of myself, the hidden part of me that they never seen before when we were Sonic Underground. 

"You're worried, about what to say to them, aren't you?" Mom asked, as I looked down at the Queen of Mobious. 

"Can you blame me? I never imagined of that being Dark Sonic again, it's been a while since I used that form, I'm ashamed of myself." 

"It will be fine, son. Besides, you have friends that can help you here, you are not just Sonic the Hedgehog, remember?

You're much more. A brother, a friend, a Freedom Fighter, a son , and a prince. All those qualities are a part of who you are, and you had the power to choose who you are or what you've become." 

As I listened to my mother's words, I felt relieved. I guess that she does have a solid point, and I still have a lot of amends I have to make up for. 

When we arrived, I saw all the inslaved citizens were on our side, and the first person I've seen was Chris.


As I continue fighting alongside our friends and allies, I heard the familiar speed coming towards our way. 

In my eyes in front of me, was no other than Sonic, my best friend. Gosh, I bet that he has a lot of things to say to me right now. 

I thought, "Great. Sonic's going to be irate at me for not revealing to him that I was a spy for the resistance all along. 

Calm down, Chris. This is Sonic, he wouldn't be all that mad, wouldn't he?"

Sonic puts his mother down as if he has been carrying her all the way to the battlefield all on his own. 

I sigh, as I knew this is something only he would do. As they came close to me, I knew that I had to come clean with him once and for all. 

"Sonic, do you have a moment?" I asked him as Queen Aleena touches her son's shoulder, "I'm going to find your siblings. You guys have some talking to, right?" He nods, as he understands his mother's decision, "Please do. Also, we don't know if there is still of Dr. Eggman's robots left from the destruction earlier. 

Take certain cautious ok, Mom?"

She smiles as she said, "I will, I am the Queen after all, Sonic. I think I can handle myself from danger considering i had hidden myself for most of your lives, remember?"

Sonic seems to be embarrassed of that, as that he had indeed forgotten that Mobious hasn't heard from their queen for a very long time. "Suppose you're right. Later." 

She leaves us as I took a deep breath to start off our conversation. "Sonic, I um.." 

"Chris, why didn't inform us from the very beginning that you were literally a spy for us? Second question, how did you get the robotized citizens of Mobious which includes our loved ones back to normal?"

"Well, to answer your first question, I had planned the whole operation on the get-go. I mean, considering that you had to protect not just anyplace, it was your home! 

You have a duty not as a Freedom Fighter, but a Prince for that matter. You had a goal to make the Oracle's prophecy come true : The Counsel of Four and ending Dr. Eggman's evil deeds for good. 

We never imagined that you guys had some major, major history that we ever known about you, Sonic. You kept this as a secret all this time and never mention it to any of us for that matter." 

"Oh." Sonic replied, felt flustered about not mentioning his home. 

"As for your second question... I happened to reboot everyone's memories. Your uncle was a bit chaotic ." I revealed. 

"For real?" 

"I want to take this opportunity to apologize . I should've told you about my secret plan, but I had also known you for a long time too. 

If I had told you the truth, you would've stopped me and not truly accepted it otherwise ." 

Sonic remains silent as he thought about my words. 


As hearing Chris's explanation, the more I realize that he was looking out for me, all this time, and I almost took it for granted for not realizing how stupid and arrogant I was for not hearing him out. 

It was almost a nostalgic feeling when we were in space with Cosmo. She knew the risks and went off on her own accord, and I did try to stop her from saving the entire galaxy and us, by sacrificing herself. 

"Chris, I think I understand you. You were just looking out for me, and I also wanted to do is... to forgive you.

You knew how dangerous it was to be in the enemy's main headquarters and you indeed played your part very well and I can't honestly can't believe that you fooled Dr. Eggman himself! 

That was pretty big risk, Chris." 

He rubbed his head, as that it was nothing compared of what i have done recently. "Well, I guess that some of your recklessness must've rubbed into me, I suppose. 

I never would've done it if it was your influence. So, are we good of being friends again?" 

"Are you kidding?!? Of course we're still friends!" I said, as I smacked his head. As we reconciled, Sleet saw us. 

"Well, would you look at that. Sonic, you're going to come with me. Chris, you are a betrayer to Dr. Robotik!" 

As we exchange eye contacts, I smirked of what needs to be done. I rubbed my medallion as my gutair came out and blasted him away. 

"See ya, Sleet!" Chris said, as I took his hand and speed away from the scene. 

We looked around, as I am still amazed of everyone fighting on our behalf. As I looked around, I saw Sonic Underground with our mother. 

"Sonic, Chris!" Sonia waves as Chris asked, "Are you really ready to take back your home, Sonic? This battle may be our last adventure yet." 

"Chris, this is my home, and everyone is here to help in anyway we can. I say it's time for the Oracle's Prophecy to come true. The Counsel of Four. We made it this far, what more we can do, right?

Let's do it to it!" 

Chris was silent for a moment and then we high five each other, symbolizing our friendship. 

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