Chapter 16: Light vs. Darkness

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What's happening to me? All I could remember that facing Dr. Eggman and Chris. All the noise that was calling out to me was making my head spin out of control. 

"What's going on?" I demanded, trying to make things sense of what the situation is going on. 

That is when I heard a voice , "Well, this is very interesting. I never imagine that you would go face me again." 

Again? What is this voice speaking to me? As I rubbed my medallion and get my magical gutair out, the echo of evil laughter boomed all over me, as that I had no idea of where it was coming from.

"Whoever you are, com'on out and fight me! I'm not afraid of you!" I demanded to see who was here besides me.

As the image became clearer, my eyes were amazed as I couldn't believe it . It was the evil version of me.

The me that Sonia and Manic never knew about mostly because I had hidden it from them while I was in Sonic Underground. 

It was Dark Sonic, and that he was not shocked of my appearance mostly because that we are one and the same. 

"It seems that our paths have crossed once again, my other self. It's such a pity that you'll hurt the people you desperately cared about. " 

"Sonia ... Manic, Felix, Mindy... everyone..." I mumbled as I glance through my dark self's refection .


I still couldn't believe that Sonic never mentioned that he had a darker version of himself. As though, it seems like he always been silent ever since we found Mother as well. 

"You worried about Sonic, Sonia?" I turned around to see Manic who seems of to be calmer than I was. 

"Yeah.. I guess. It's just weird, isn't? The Prophecy is coming and we'll be treated differently than ever before." 

"So... what does that have to do with it? Sis, we are still us, it's just our responsibilities would be a lot busy with being the Cousil of Four. 

Besides, I had no idea that I was considered royalty or get special treatment. I was raised in the slumps and been a thief my whole life. 

In my wildest experiences I've endured with, having a mother for a queen and having siblings that I never knew I had... 

It is an adjustment that I needed to get used to. You been a noble all your life as well, but you had no idea that neither Sonic and I existed, although it was none of your fault for that matter. 

All we can do now for our home, our friends is to move on forward. The past can hurt, but we can either run from it, or learn from it. " 

As I looked at our friends, all of them were fighting for our sake. Amy, Cheese, Bunny, all of the Freedom Fighters came to our aid. 

Shadow said, "What's wrong, you guys? The fight's going on and you two are mumbling about something?

Should we worry?"

We exchanged looks at one other, as I realized that this fight isn't going to be an easy feat. "You got this, Sis." Manic said. 

I smiled at my brother's words. His encouragement words really helped me and though, I have to march forward . 

"Take this! Mobious is going to be restored by us, the royal family, we are Sonic Underground!" 

Queen Aleena

I still couldn't believe these are my children. They have grown up without me guiding their way, and they suffered so much hardship. Mostly because of my decision. Leaving my children was the hardest thing for a mother to endure, and I thought leaving them behind was a choice in order of the prophecy to be fulfilled, but now I knew that our lives wouldn't be the same since.

As Sonic continues rampaging through the streets, blasting everything in his path, I knew I had to get close to my oldest son. 

"Sonic!" I cried out to him, hoping that just the sound of my voice can bring him back. His emotions were full of hate, distrust in everyone around him, as that he was aiming his gutair right at me.

I knew that I have to something to calm him down, something.

"Think! What can I do to help him?" I thought in my mind, as that the one thing came into mind that I can do. 

Before he can shoot me, I ran towards him as fast I could, as I leap towards my son and hugged him as I felt the gun shooter on my body. 

"Sonic, please! I am here now, you can't do this anyone else. You were loved by everyone around you, you are Sonic the hedgehog, the prince of Mobious, a Freedom Fighter, and my beloved son. 

I am truly am sorry that you had to go through a life that I should've protected, I wasn't there for you when Mindy and Felix were taken to be robotized. 

Or you felt regret that you didn't protect Uncle Jock, you're not alone anymore!!!!" 

As though things felt like a moment has passed... a stunned, yet, crying gesture was heard, as that Sonic rubbed his head on me, like a child who missed his mother. 

"Mom...." He said. 


Hearing my mother's speech made the Dark Sonic be disgusted, "Huh, what a nuisance. Mother's love. How ridiculous. " 

I stand up against my evil self, as I said, "Mom was right. I am not alone. And.. I am not going to use you as an excuse anymore. The anger I've felt is a part of me, you are me, and you'll be accepted once you embrace it." 

All the dark energy disappeared as I felt my mother's presence before me . I felt completely awful for what I've done. 

"Mom..." I said, as that she embraced me with a gentle gesture, "It's all right. Are you calmer now?"

I stand up, "I think so. So, where is everyone else?"

"Well, they're fighting right as we speak. We should catch up with them." She explains to me, as I said, "Well, then .. we should catch up with them. 

The Counsil of Four needs be fulfilled right? That is the only way we'll defeat Eggman and his robotic army after all. " 

I scooped the queen in a bridal carry as that she exclaimed, "Sonic, what you -" 

"I'm going to use my speed now, do you trust me?" I asked her as she hold me tightly as she replied, "Sonic, I trust you with my life. Do it." 

"If you say so. " I said, as I rubbed my toes as I used my speed to catch up with everyone who is fighting. 

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