Chapter 18: The Final Strike (Part One)

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I am glad that Chris and I made up. Although, I am still overshocked that he was willing to go through of going undercover as a Freedom Fighter Spy for the resistance. 

"Man, I feel completely dumb." I thought to myself , as I saw Sonia and Manic coming towards us with the rest of our friends by their side. 

"Sonic!" We heard them say as Sonia and Manic pants with sweat. "There you guys are. We were worried." Manic said. 

I rubbed my head and then I bowed down in aplogic way, "I'm so sorry for what happened back there. I didn't mean for the both of you to see Dark Sonic." 

Sliver pouts, "Sonic, you could've at least warned us about that would happen. That was pretty intense and hardcore in my option." 

"Sliver, that-" Chris said, as I raised my hand , "No, Sliver did have a point there. I let my emotions out of control in the heat of the moment. I should've been more careful ." 

"Well, that is out of our systems, should we get going to save our home, to save Mobious?" Sonia asked as she was waiting for my command since i was the leader of Sonic Underground.

As I looked at everyone, they were excited to get back at Dr. Eggman for all the misdeeds he had done to them, as I glance over at my adoptive uncle Jock. 

He beams at me, as he nods in agreement. I rubbed my medallion as i feel the guitar appeared in front of me. 

"Let's show that madman to not mess with us. This is our home, and we will get our future ... 


The throng cheered in delight as Mom touches my shoulder, "You've become a great leader, and you would be a great prince too. I wished your father would've seen you and your siblings all grown up ." 

I hugged the purple hedgehog, "Me too. But I know he's watching us, and we'll do everything we can for Mobious." 


I couldn't believe that any of this was truly real. That Sonic, our son was actually a prince, and in fact that he had a very difficult life while we were unaware of Dr. Robotick's evil intentions. "Mindy, is everything all right?" 

I turned to see my husband who was by my side, as that i sigh, "Sorry, Felix, it's just everything felt like a dream. This whole Freedom Fighters resistance, Sonic being a long-lost prince, and having siblings, it's too much to absorb ." 

He smiled, "Sweetheart, it's nothing to be ashamed about. C'mon, haven't you not see how much independent our son was, ever since we raised him before he learnt about his true heritage?

It's not like everything we've done would change our relationship, in fact...  i personally think that knowing it, it made him more stronger than ever before, and also that it also gave him more understanding what he needs to do in his life." 

As I looked at the young teen, the more I realize of how much importance it was for him, that the stakes couldn't be more intense than I realized to be. 

"You are right, maybe that i was unsure of his abilities or the fact of how much he has changed. " I said. 

As then, the throng grew silent, as that Sonic's eyes were really focused on the sight of the massive robot . 

In front of the massive, overbearing robot, was the madman himself. Dr. Eggman.

"Well, well. Look who finally show up for the destruction of Mobious. You wouldn't dare of missing all the action." He sneered, as that Sonic smirked as if he was never grew tired of his remarks on every time they encounter one another. 

"Seriously, that's your grand opening speech , I thought it would more meanful impact. What you guys think?"

Manic laughs, "Yeah, it needs some work, what you think, Sis?"

Sonia shrugs, "Probably leave the teasing to the pros. I mean, Sonic is basically one." Sonic nods but then realized it was a pun. 

"Hey!!!!" He yells at her as that the royal siblings laugh at him for his careless and carefree personality.

Then he turns to the resistance, "Let's go!!!!!!!" 

Thus began our fight for our future.

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