Chapter 19: The Final Strike (Part 2)

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Uncle Jock

I still can't believe that despite of what happened to me, to becoming a robotic slave, I never imagined that I would join the fight for my beloved home. For Mobious. It was a false reality that I ever thought of since I seen the horrible misdeeds of Dr. Robotic had done to the citizens of Mobious . 

To my greatest surprise to me, is that I was really a part of a Prophecy that had been foretold before I even realized it. 

That in part of making a rebellion, I had helped of raising a long-lost royalty, a prince! Sonic however seems more mature from the last time i last saw him. 

He really took commandments every seriously, like it was like a side of him I never seen him act before. 

"Chris, can you ride on Tail's airplane and get me close?" He asked the teen, which he was stunned by the question.

"Sure, but why would you need to do that? You can run towards him, right?" 

"Yeah, but you know how Eggman can caulate any move I make? We basically knew each other pretty well, not like Sonia and Manic does . " Sonic points out. 

The teen thought for a moment, as he said, "Yeah, you do have a point. You and Eggman had a pretty long history with each other long before we discovered you being a prince though. " 

Sonia asked, "So, what you want us to do in the meantime while you handle our big baddie?"

"You and the rest can handle many of the robots here. I'll make sure that he gets his focus into me ." 

"Sonic, that is really scary decision. Are you really up for it?" Aleena asked, as that Sonic turns to the purple hedgehog, "Mom, it's going to be fine! Besides, this is Sonic Underground. We can do this . " 

As the teen was prepping to run, a pink hedgehog kissed him on the cheek, "Pls don't do anything too dangerous, Sonic. I'll never forgive you if you do." 

"Amy...." He blushed furiously of the direct kiss as he shook off the feeling, as he heads off to the enemy. 

Dr. Eggman

So, this all comes to pass. They really are rebellious type. Of course they would. This means that what the Oracle had foretold to me when he came into my bedroom that night. 

"Queen Aleena and her children will reunite someday and form into the Counsel of Four, when that happens, your reign of terror will end!" 

I was so mad that the future had already been written, so I used all my knowledge and strength to make ceterain that the Prophecy wouldn't happen. 

Although, it seems not entirely easy mostly because I had to deal with the little blue hedgehog that I've met most of my life: 


Who would've thought the same one who was prophesied to destroy me, was the same enemy that thaw my plans countless times than I could count?!?

"Your little parade of terror ends here, Eggman! I would not allow you to make you make anyone in Mobious get robotize ever again! 

I would also think it is time to make the Oracle's Prophecy come true! I had enough of you." Sonic said, which the royal siblings was amazed of his strength and ability to stand up to me. 

"Whoa, Sonic...." Sonia said.

As then she and Manic rubbed their medallions and brought out their musical instruments. 

"Attack!" I commanded out the robotic soldiers I had left as Sonic speeds up to confront me once again. 

The battle was on-going, as that I hear the cries of the citizens of Mobious fighting against my army, as that I hear the little blue hedgehog said, "Dr. Eggman, I think you should be more focus on me!" 

He raised his gutair at me and started blasting me. "All the times I've fought against you time and time again, the feeling of guilt, frustration, the trauma you have caused for me and the royal family, you're more then worthy of seeking judgment from the Council of Four, just as it was prophesied long ago." 

I was furious. Sonic blasts me once more, with passion of his heart to end the war. 

As I lay down, my conious was fading, as the last image I could remember, was Queen Aleena and the royal family glaring down at me. 


Is it over? As Sonic's gutair disappears, he sighs as he turns around towards us. Mindy and Felix runs over to their adoptive son, as they embraced the prince. 

"Are you ok?" Mindy asked, as Sonic said, "I think so. Let's discuss on what to do next. I mean, look around. Mobious is a big mess." 

"Ah, but what it worth, it will be peace once again." A familiar voice said, as the Oracle popped out of nowhere, gave Sonic the creeps. 

"Geez!!!!!! How many times you would appear out of nowhere like that? You should at least have a like a portal demsion cell phone. " 

"I don't know what you're referring young hedgehog, but I would consider it." He replied, as that I rolled my eyes at my brother's comment. 

"So, it's our decision to determine his fate as the Counsel of Four? It's going to be a while for us to talk about. " I said. 

Sonia nods, "I conur with that statement. We have a lot to think about for the future of our home." 

Sonic turns to his friends. "Is it all right that I talk with them before making a massive changing decision?" 

Sonia and I exchanged looks at one other and couldn't help but smile. "Sonic, you don't have to get permission from us." Sonia said. 

"Your sister is right. Go to them. We'll talk later." Mom said. Sonic blushes as that it was a relief for him as he said, "Thanks." 

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