Chapter 1: Sonic searching in his old home

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As soon I reach Mobius, I knew that I have to find my magical gutair medallion, and I knew where exactly where it was. 

I left it in Uncle Chuck's place, where I used to lived in, before Dr. Rototnik took him away and robotozied his humaniaty .

I went inside the hut, as I mumbled, "It has to be somewhere, or else I'll never be able to reunite with Sonia and Manic." 

As I continue searching, an familiar voice yelled, "Sonic! There you are!" 

I gulped, as Sliver noticing me searching for my medallion. 

"Sonic, what you doing here? What is this city that you brought us to?" The white hedehog asks with curious state. 

I gulp, that this wouldn't be that easy to explain the situation, as I saw an familiar necklace that i was looking for. 

"There you are! " I said, proudly as I put the necklace on, as I felt the spark of magic of the medallion came back to me. 

Suddenly, Dr. Rototnik's goons, Sleet and Dingo came in, along with their mechanical robots. 

"Sonic, watch out!" Sliver said, ready to use his power to save me, but I wasn't going to let him all the fun. 

"Allow me. Hey, Sleet, Dingo, remember me?" I ask, as I rubbed my medallion as my electric gutair came out as the blasters hit both of them. 

Sliver was dumbstruck that I can play music, as I said, "We better get out of here, Sliver before those goons wake up." 

He nods with total agreement, but still confused of the situation. 

"Sonic, what is going on, I never seen you with an electonic gutair before, and what's with the robots?" 

I pulled him aside as the soldier robots were patrolling the streets. 

As we wait for them to bypass us, I sigh in total relief. 

"Sorry that I get you involved with this, Sliver. I have to find my siblings and save Mobius. "

"Wait, save Mobius? Siblings?" Sliver demands . 

"It's a lot harder to explain, but I promise to tell you once I find them. Once we are together, we'll defeat Rototnik in his own game. You know him as Dr. Eggman."  I explain. 

Sliver exclaimed, "Dr. Eggman's here?!?" 

"Yeah, and it gets worse. If you get caught, you'll be robotized." 

"You're kidding. Why would Dr. Eggman do something so horrible?" Sliver asks. 

" Ever since I left with you guys, I forgot my mission to save this city. This is my home, and I need my siblings help to reunite with our mother." 

"Sonic, we'll help!" Sliver said. 


I didn't know that Sonic has a family. I knew that we act like a family, if he has a problem, then we help one other no matter what.

"Sonic, we'll help!" The blue hegehog was stunned of me. 

"Sliver, are you sure? It will be dangerous." He said. 

"Sonic, co'mon! How many times we need you when we needed the most? Well, it's about time we return the favor. 

I'll distract those goons while you go do what you need in order to reunite with your sibs. " 

Sonic smiles as he ran. 

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