Chapter 3 - What makes you beautiful - One Direction

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Hey everybody! How are you guys? Okay, so I was just reading and doing random stuff on the Internet and then I was like 'wait it's Monday! Crap! It's Monday!' I almost completely forgot to update and I was like 'oh no! This is only my third chapter and I'm already forgetting to update?' Anyways, thankfully I remembered so it's all good. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading!

"Are you sure, you want to come? You can easily stay home you know." Cole tells me as we are about to head out the door.

"No, I am sure I want to hang out with you and your friends and anyways it isn't like I am going to go swimming." I reassure him.

"Ok, well if you get bored I will come out of the pool and hang out with you." He tells me as we step into his car.

I am wearing a pair of track pants and a turquoise crop tee with a big gold pineapple. Normally, I would wear shorts if we were going to a pool and I wasn't swimming but, since I am not ready for everyone to know about my leg I think it is best that I stay with pants.

We pull, up to the pool and my brother and I get out. My brother goes to get changed and I go right on in to the pool and lounge area. Since we came about forty five minutes late because Cole takes forever to get ready, everybody is already in the pool. I spot the lounge and I grab an iced tea and walk over to one of the couches.

I walk past Hazel and Fiona who are on their way to the huge rope that you can swing across the pool. "Hey Regean! Where is your bathing suit?" Hazel asks.

"Oh I am not going swimming" I explain.

"Why not? It is a pool party you HAVE to swim!" Hazel tells me. I freeze how am I supposed to explain me not wanting to swim?

"I uh forgot my uh bathing suit." I lie. Well, I didn't bring my bathing suit but, I did that on purpose.

"Oh well, you don't have to worry because I have a spare." Fiona tells me with a grin. "Come on let's go get it!" Fiona tells me as Hazel pulls my arm towards the change room.

"Guys, really it is perfectly fine. Really, I actually like watching everybody." I insist but, they just pull me harder. Damn! What am I going to do?

When we get into the change room, Fiona immediately goes to her bag and starts to go through it. She pulls out two bikinis one that is stripped and the other is floral patterned. "Looks like it is your lucky day! I have two! Which one do you want? Or do you want to try the, both on? We are pretty much the same size, maybe your a little smaller but, either one should be fine. I think the stripped might be the best on you but, you can chose." She starts rambling off.

"I totally agree with Fiona, you should try the stripped." Hazel agrees.

"Um, guys?" I say quietly and both their heads snap up to mine. "There is something I need to tell you." I tell them quietly. "Can you tell us after you are changed?" Hazel asks.

"I think I should tell you now."

"Okay so, what do you want to tell us?" Fiona asks.

"Well, there is something I should show you" I tell them. I carefully unzip the bottom of my track pants going all the way up to above my knee where my prosthetic leg starts. I pull the pant leg all the way up so, they both have a good view of my leg.

"What the hell happened to your leg? Oh my gosh, I am so rude! I am so sorry! You know what o am just going to shut up now" Fiona says covering her mouth at the exact same time as Hazel says "oh my gosh! Are you ok?!" I let out a small laugh.

"Three years ago, I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. But, when I was diagnosed the cancer was already ready pretty far along. My parents, not wanting to deal with someone who was sick decided that it would be best to ship me off to the best home for people with cancer which happened to be in England. There, I went through some chemo and operations and eventually they bought that the best way to get rid of it would be to amputate my leg. After about a year and a half of physio and therapy eventually I was able to be sent home so, here I am now."

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