Chapter 4 - Royals - Lorde

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Hi guys! How are you? Right now, I just got back from Costco shopping with my mom and I picked up a bunch of books from the library. I'm super excited to update today so I hope you enjoy it!

Glance at the clock. When is that stupid bell going to ring? I notice that I still have another good five minutes and I groan on my head. Why do they make high school periods so long??? I watch the clock as the minutes pass slowly by until the five minutes are up.

When the bell rings I literally jump out of my seat. Oh my god! I am seriously starving! This morning when I woke up I forgot to eat a little bit extra (because I am not used to eating so late) so, that I would make it all the way through lunch so, now as I walk to the cafeteria my stomach is grumbling like crazy!

When I reach the table, Carson, Declan and Fiona are already there. "Hey guys!" I greet them happily.

"Hi Regean!" They chorus. I pull out my lunch and then plop myself beside Fiona.

"How were you morning classes?" She asks me.

"The regular, nothing special happened. And yours?" I ask her my mouth full of granola bar.

"Well, in chemistry, Brittney and Alexa were all talk about trying to get you back for stealing Brittney's 'boyfriend'." She says with an amused smile playing on her lips. "I still don't get why she thinks Logan is her boyfriend I mean, they slept together like once, and now she is practically attached to him. Even though, Logan wants nothing to do with her whatso ever." She continues.

Soon, we are joined by, Logan, My brother and Hazel. "I had such a great time last night." Logan tells me as he sits down beside me.

"Yeah, me too" I tell him smiling.

"So, maybe next time you will come swimming?" He asks me hopefully.

"Yeah, maybe." I tell him even though I don't think that will be happening.

I look around the cafeteria to try and get familiar with some faces. I notice that Brittney and Alexa are making their way over to our table. I mentally groan. I mean it isn't like I hate Brittney and Alexa or anything, it is just that they can be SO annoying! I shove Fiona a little bit. "Over there" I whisper nodding my head in their direction.

"Ah damn! Them again!" She says which makes me laugh.

"Hey guys!" Brittney says in a super sweet voice as she and Alexa approach our table. Today Brittney is dressed in a tight mini skirt and a sparkly crop top even though it is like ten degrees and windy outside. Alexa is dressed in a pair of leggings and a tank crop top, that in my opinion, shows way too much skin.

Brittney plops herself in between Logan and I shoving me into Fiona. Alexa sits down beside my brother which seems to make Hazel a little uncomfortable but, once Cole puts his arm around Hazel she calms down.

Since it is super squishy and I am wedged into Fiona, Brittney is pretty much sitting on Logan's lap. Since my knee is starting to throb from being so squished I get up. "Um, it is a little squishy here so, I think I am just going to go do some homework." I tell the table.

"Hey, want me to come?" Logan asks getting up.

Since I know that I need to go to the nurse's office to grab some ice for my knee and I don't really want to explain anything to Logan I decide that he shouldn't come. "Um, I am actually fine. You stay here and enjoy your lunch." I tell him hoping that he will listen.

"No, really I will come I am just going to finish my sandwich." He says as he unwraps a sandwich that is in his hand and starts to golf it down. Thinking quickly I grab my phone and text an SOS message to my brother. 'Need to get ice for my knee. Keep Logan here.' I text him and within seconds his phone bings.

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