Chapter 15 - Red eye - Vance Joy

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Here is chapter 15! Please enjoy!

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal while dancing around my living room. "I can't believe it! We are leaving so soon! We are leaving in" I pause to glance down at my watch, "exactly 64 minutes and 23 seconds."

"God, when are Hazel and Logan going to arrive? I need someone to distract you." Cole says with a chuckle as he glances towards the front door hoping that any minute Logan and Hazel will come prancing in.

"Well, your out of luck because they aren't going to come for another 34 minutes." I say with a chuckle and go over my list that I made in my phone making sure that I am not forgetting anything. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that I am actually going Australia. For a while too! This is going to be so amazing!

I think back on all the gifts I got for everybody. I even got something for my mom. And that is saying quite a lot because I don't usually buy her things. I normally just buy a card and sign my name. If you can't tell already, my mom and I don't exactly have the best relegation ship ever.

I skip back over to the kitchen where I grab and apple then hop back over to the living room and plop myself beside Cole. "How the hell do you have so much energy for 4:50 in the morning?" Cole grumbles beside my and I roll my eyes.

"How can you not? We are going to Australia. Cole. Australia!! How can you not have tons of energy is my question?" I reply just as the door bell rings. I quickly rush over to the door to see Logan holding a huge duffel bag. "Hey babe." I say with a grin and give him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Are you all packed? Oh wait, you must be or else you wouldn't be here. Oh my gosh this is going to be so much fun! And my mom is going to be minding her own business so it will be like she isn't even there. And oh my gosh! We are going to Australia!! I seriously can't believe it. I am going across the world to Australia! It is going to be so ho-" all of my foolish blabbering is cut off by Cole.

"Seriously Reggy, you need to take a deep breath and just calm down a little bit. Okay?" Cole asks keeping a firm grip on my shoulder so that I calm down.

"Sorry. I guess I am a little overexcited." I apologize and look down at my feet.

"Did you know that on the island we have to rent golf carts?" Cole asks Logan and I.

"No I didn't. Why?" Logan asks sitting down in the couch beside my and placing his hand on my thigh.

"Well, I think it is because it is such a small island. Mom said that she is just going to hire a chauffeur but, we can rent a golf cart for the four of us."

I roll my eyes. Of course my mom is getting a chauffeur and leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves. "Yeah, and our mom got us two supper high class suites that can be conjoined so this is going to be super sweet." I say remembering how my mom told us that we would be old enough to be by ourselves while she gets a room for herself. She says this is going to be a somewhat family holiday but, honestly we are completely isolated from her.

Even on the plane we are in completely different areas. She is in first class and we are in business class. But, I mean I am not complaining I get to hang out with my friends and brother for a whole ten days in Australia how awesome is that?!

The doorbell rings and I run back over to it. Hazel is there holding onto the Handel of a bug cheetah print suitcase. "Hey girly. How ya doing? Ready to rock this trip?!" I ask her giving her a huge hug and helping her haul her suitcase inside.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! This is going to be absolutely AMAZING!" She squeals and I laugh.

"Hey look, we found somebody that is more excited then me." I joke as I watch Hazel carefully sit beside Cole and she blushes when he looks her way. Oh my god! Does Hazel like Cole?! I just can't wait to ask her about this later! Speaking of which, I need to remember to ask Cole about that girl he liked...

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