Information about me and this book

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Ok, so hi Wattpad users! My name is Emma and I am fairly new in Wattpad. I learned about Wattpad this January and ever since I have been addicted. I have read tons of books on Wattpad and it actually inspired me to create my own book so, that is exactly what I'm doing. Since, I have read so many books here if you ever need any book ideas for teens you can check out my reading list because that is where I put all my favourites.

So, as I said, I decided to write a book so, that is what I did. I have wrote quite a few books before but, I have never actually posted one online so, please help me out with positive and critical feedback because that would be awesome! I haven't actually went through and fully edited this book either so, please just ignore the typos and grammatical errors.

So, a little but about this book now. If you haven't read the summary for this book yet here it is: I just returned from England a couple days ago. I returned from living in this home for sick people where I lived for two years. I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (a type of bone cancer) when I was fourteen and after my mom decided that her work was more important then taking care of her sick daughter so, she shipped me off to England. I have now just returned to Ottawa, Canada (my home town) and tomorrow I am going to be starting high school for the first time. Most people including my twin brother Cole have already been attending high school for a year at my age but, because I was at the sick home tomorrow is my first time. I am seriously nervous but, Cole tells me not to worry because I am a (and I quote) 'smart, pretty, funny, nice and amazing girl and sister.'

I have actually already wrote this whole book already so now I will just be updating my chapters every Monday and unless something happens with my wifi or I have a problem with Wattpad I promise to update every Monday. So, that means that I won't be one of those people who update regularly until they get close to the end of the book and then you have to wait for months. I hate reading those kind of books on Wattpad so, that's why I made sure that the whole book is finished before I put out the first chapter.

This book has 23 chapters so, if you want a long book, this book is not for you. Up unit, about chapter ten, the chapters are super short like around 2000 or so words so, I apologize for that because I meant to make them longer but, now it's just to difficult to change every thing so, just be warned short chapter at the beginning.

The last 14 or so chapters all have about 3000 words so, I'm pretty happy with those because I think 3000 words is a good amount for Wattpad chapters. So, I think that is pretty much all the information I think I need to tell you right now and if you guys want anymore additional information ahead of time, just comment and then I can add it to here.

So, that brings my information to an end and I really hope you guys decide to read this book! Anyways, enjoy!

Emma :D

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