Chapter 12 - Toi + Moi - Grégoire

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Omg I can't believe that I have already wrote twelve chapters! Seriously I am so proud of my self right now. I am planning on having about 20 ish chapters but I will see how it goes. I am definetly going to have at least twenty but, probably not too many more. This book is kind of going to be just a short easy read/write because I have a couple other ideas of books I want to do twirling around in my head and I feel like if I write this too long it will get way to boring. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter!

You know that feeling where you can just sense that someone is staring at you without even looking at them? Well, right now that is exactly what I was feeling. Seriously, though one minute I was sound asleep dreaming away and the next I wake up but, my eyes are still closed and I know that someone is staring at me.

Creepy right? What a nice way to wake up (note the sarcasm). Anyways, I open my eyes and right in front of me is Logan's gorgeous face. Why does he have to be so beautiful? "Good morning gorgeous" he says with a grin.

"What the heck Logan? Not, that I don't enjoy seeing your face or anything but, seriously I was sleeping!" I tell him in a angry voice but, not really because I am smiling at the same time.

"We are going on our date" he explains with a shrug as he grabs my hands and pulls me out of bed.

"Right now?! But, it is" I say pausing to glance at the clock on my night stand. 5:00! It is fricken 5:00 am! I was expecting it to be like 10:00! Why the hell is Logan waking me up at 5:00 am?! "What the hell Logan!? It is 5:00 am!" I hiss at him but, keep my voice down because I don't want to deal with my grouchy brother when he wakes up.

"As I said we are going on our date. And part of our date starts super early." He explains as he runs his hand through his amazing hair. I scrunch my eyebrows and crinkle my nose.

"What starts at four am?"

"Well, nothing but, what we are doing starts early morning and by the time we get there we will be right on time." He explains glancing at his phone for the time.

"Okay, fine, but, what should I wear?" I ask as I go through my closet for something to replace my roots sweatpants and my red tank top that I slept in.

"Wear something warm and comfy, I will meet you downstairs in ten minutes." He says before walking out of my room.

I stare at my closet for a good minute and a half. It is almost like I can hear the ten minutes ticking down slowly in my head. What am I supposed to wear? I finally decide on a nice pair of high waisted skinny jeans and a warm maroon knit crop top sweater. I pull out a nice black infinity scarf on top and some uggs.

I rush to the bathroom and quickly comb my hair. Damn, red hair can be so annoying sometimes like seriously it makes almost everything I wear look weird. I pull my hair back into a pony tail cause let's face it, red hair and maroon kind of clash. I quickly do some light makeup and then quietly tip toe downstairs.

My prosthetic leg kind of looks a little weird in uggs but, it isn't like anyone is going to be staring at my leg so who cares? I find Logan downstairs sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey Regean, you look nice" he says smiling up at me.

"Not really" I mutter under my breath but, quiet enough so, he won't be able to hear me.

"Alright, so your brother already knows my plans and so he won be supposed that you are gone when he wakes up." I follow Logan outside and into his car. Wow, I am so tired. I didn't fall asleep until like one last night so I got like four hours of sleep. Well, I will be able to have a nap when we get home.

"So, are you going to tell me where we are going?" I ask after ten minutes of driving.

"Nah, that ruins the fun" Logan reply's with a chuckle. I mentally sigh. I course. Not, that I don't enjoy him asking me on dates but, I really like to know where we are going. When Logan finally stops the car I see that we are surrounded by trees.

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