Chapter 18 - All I want for chritsmas is you - Micheal Bublé

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"Oh my gosh! It is Christmas! You hear me?! It is December 25!!" I say as soon as I wake up with a huge grin etched on my face.

"I know! I can't believe it! It's Christmas!" Hazel squeals next to me.

I glance over towards where Cole and Logan were sleeping and see them both peacefully sleeping. "Wow! We are both dating rocks!" I say with a chuckle.

Hazel glances over at the boys and bursts out laughing. Christmas just gives every one a happy feeling you know? Last night, on Christmas Eve, all of us stayed up late watching all of the Christmas classics. You know like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, frosty he snow man and hey, we even watched Elf which made all of us laugh.

My mom, same to eat dinner with all of us which was nice because then that way she wasn't being a neglectful parent. Not, that she is or anything. I mean yes, she can be work absorbed and yes, she has left us on our own for most of the vacation but, we have all had so much fun and I guess she just has a bit of a different way of showing her love to Cole and I. I know she loves us so, I'm not upset or anything.

Anyways, we all went out for dinner at this super fancy dinner place at the yacht club and it was absolutely delicious and just a bit of a different way for us to celebrate Christmas Eve. When we all got home and my mom went to bad or something we all gathered in Hazel my room and got all cozy under the sheets of our beds. Because Hazel and I each had a queen bed, Logan slept beside me and Cole slept beside Hazel.

No, we didn't do anything. I mean that would be so gross! Doing something while your best friend and brother are in the room? Ewwww! Gross! But, it was super nice to be able to fall asleep with Logan's arms tight around my waist. Logan and I are completely back to normal by the way (or BTW as everybody now says ;D ). Cole is back to normal too. Once, h saw that I had actually forgiven Logan they went back to being best buds. But, I noticed that not once, did Cole apologize for punching Logan in the jaw. But, hey, he kind of deserved it.

And now, back to the moment. "Hey sleepy head. Merry Christmas." I say to Logan kissing his forehead.

"Hey, babe. Merry Christmas to you too." He says with a lazy smile.

"What? I don't get a wake up kiss from my sis?" Cole asks in a teasing voice.

"Ohhh, did you want one?" I say puckering up my lips. I walk over to Cole and give him a huge wet sloppy kiss.

"Ah, ew! Regs! I was just kidding." Cole says with a laugh furiously trying to wipe of my slobber.

"You know you love me." I say in a sing song voice.

"Hey, guys. Guess what? So, I called into room service to see if they could make us something special for Christmas morning and app energy since we are in one of the more expensive rooms, we get priority so, they said we could order a hunger loaf of super soft ginger cookies with a fruit plater and ice cream or you know the regular stuff." Hazel says after just getting off the phone.

"Ohhh! We should totally get the soft ginger cookies! Maybe we can see if they can make us some cold chocolate too!" I say with a grin.

"You mean chocolate milk?" Logan asks giving me a confused look.

"No. It is like hot chocolate with ice and ice cream and lots of whipped cream. I had it the other day and it was super good." I say and my stomach grumbles jus thinking about it.

"Yeah. Ok. Let's get that. Hazel can you call in?" Cole says looking over at Hazel.

"Yeah, sure. Just give me a minute and then we can exchange gifts." She says picking the phone back up. We all watch her in silence as she carefully orders what we want for our Christmas. We decided last night, that our mom will join us for lunch but, other then that, we will be completely on our own. It is kind of weird to be celebrating Christmas when it is like plus thirty eight degrees Celsius outside. And the fact that we are celebrating Christmas when it is their summer is just completely weird (for those of you that don't know when we have winter in the Northern Hemisphere the Southern Hemisphere has summer).

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