Chapter 19 - Ain't it fun - Panamore

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Omg!!! Freaking four more chapters left until this book is completely finished!! I can't believe it! Part of me wants to continue writing and updating forever and the other part of me just wants to be glad that it's almost done. But, if it's almost done, then I really need to start on a new book soon. I don't think I will be starting a new book right away but, probably within the next few months I will. I have already started on one but, I want to write a few parts before updating so that I know that I won't get bored and quit. Anyways please enjoy!!!

is nice it be back home. Ok, so first of all the trip was AMAZING! I loved every single minute of it (minus the small confusion between Logan and I). I got an amazing tan so, now I can laugh at all the super pale people at home. O just can't really explain how much fun I had. It was just great. We have been back home for a couple day now, and very thing is completely back to normal. Almost as if we had never left in the first place. It is just a distant memory...

Okay, now I sound like one of those weird trip blogger people. You know the ones that are like 'yeah my trip was amazing but, now I am home and it is like nothing happened while I was gone.'? Yeah? No? Okay well, whatever that doesn't really matter all to much anyways.

So, as I said everything is completely back to normal. Well, kind of. We are still on Christmas holidays so not really, but, kind of you know. Well, even if you don't, that doesn't really matter. Today is December 31st aka New Year's Eve. Whop whop! Tonight, all my friends (Cole, Carson, Declan, Hazel, Logan, Fiona and I) are gong to have a kind of low key party thing. It's low key because it is only but, were still going to party and have fun.

"Regean!" Cole hollers from his bedroom.


"Are you going to the party with Hazel and/or Fiona or do you want me to drive you?" He asks still shouting from his bedroom.

I decide that it isn't very good to have a conversation by yelling across half the house so, I walk up from my bed where I was comfortable lying down looking at magazines and walk over to Cole's room.

"Reggy! Are you gonna answer me or not?!" He shouts when I walk though the door.

He is lying in his bed like I was but, instead of looking through magazines he is watching something on Netflix. "Actually tonight, we decided that it would be be fun to just get ready in our own. After all, we are all sleeping over at Carson's house." I inform him and start to pick up some of his dirty clothes that are scattered all around his room and place them in his laundry basket.

Carson is an only child and his parents are both Workaholics kind if like our mom. His parents are out on a business meeting for the weekend in New York which is super cool for them because they can be in Times Square for the countdown. Anyways, they last Carson alone for the weekend and said he could do whatever he wanted as long as it was cleaned up afterwards. Now, most teenage boys, in this situation would probably through a huge party but, Carson is pretty responsible so, he decided that he just wanted to invite a few friends over.

I have never been into his house but, from what Cole and Logan tell me it is quite a lot like ours. Big. "Alright cool. Well, we will leave at 7:30 ok?" Cole asks glancing up from his iPad to look at me.

"Yeah sure, I will be ready." I say before walking out of his room and walking back to my room where I will continue to be lazy with my magazines until I decide that I should get ready.


I glance at the clock. 5:30. Ok, no it is time to get ready. I get up off my comfy bed and carefully out my magazines away. I carefully peel off my prosthetic leg and hobble over to the bathroom. I quickly strip off my soccer jersey that I got from Cole for Christmas and my track pants and then I turn on the shower warm.

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