Chapter 6 - Am I Wrong - Nico amd Vinz

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Hello everybody! I'm actually super excited to update this part because this is where all the confessions come in... ;) Anyways, I hope you all had a nice weekend. Where I live, today is actually a holiday but, I don't think that that's the case for everybody so, happy Monday to everybody else. It's summer for me though, so it doesn't really feel any different from any ordinary day. Okay, so Taylor Swift is coming to where I live this upcoming week and oh my gosh, I am so freaking excited! It is going to be so amazing! I just can't even explain it in here. Anyways, have a nice Monday and enjoy this part. Btw, sorry that it is so short. Longer ones are coming in a few more updates. Happy reading!

Once Logan has looked through my room he sits on the ground in front of me.he looks up with me with his big blue eyes... "Okay, so I don't really know where to start." I tell him awkwardly.

"The beginning would probably be good." He tells me as those beautiful blue eyes stay fixed on mine.

"Yeah probably." I tell him before thinking to wear the real beginning would be.

"My mom never wanted to have Cole and I. It was an accident an accident that she would tell me she regrets every day. My dad doesn't mind as much but, he is different I guess. Cole and I were inseparable through out our childhood. We never bothered with any new friends because we always had each other."

"My mom would normally ignore us through out our childhood. We had nannies to take car of us who ended up being more like a mom then our real mom. My dad didn't ignore us but, he normally chose my brother over me. He would also beat me sometimes when no one was around and say how I was the child he never wanted. My mom didn't want to have children period but, my dad wanted a boy so, he normally didn't want to have anything to do with me. I was an embarrassment to him, still am."

"Reg-" Logan starts but, I cut him off.

"If I am telling you is you better listen without interruptions." I tell him and he clamps his mouth shut. "Through out middle school I would complain about how much my knee would hurt. My mom ignored me and my dad would just get angry with me and tell me that I was over reacting or slap me across the face and call me a baby. Cole was the only one who would actually believe me. Every night when my knee hurt bad, my brother would get me ice and stay with me when I cried."

"Eventually it got so bad that I was having trouble to walk. When I complained to my dad he said that I needed to shut up and deal with it. So, Cole made up a lie about how his ankle hurt and of course dad took him to the doctors with me trailing behind. My dad ended up having a business call when we were there so, Cole and I just ended up seeing he doctor ourselves. I showed the doctor my knee and she said that I needed to have an MRI."

"My dad was furious when he found out about how Cole and I lied to him to get me taken to the hospital. He didn't care that I needed an MRI he was just super super angry. Of course, he wasn't angry at Cole because he is his 'perfect son' but, he was angry at me. Then he started to hit me and beat me up right in the doctors clinic. The doctors saw that and he got taken to the police station."

"A month later he was sentenced 'unfit to look after children' and he was banned from our house. My mom, was super upset but, I think all that was good for because as soon as he left she started being a better parent. Now, she wouldn't be your typical stay at home mom because she worked a ton every day of the week but, she was a lot better then she was before. I don't know if it was out of guilt or what but, I am not complaining. She still is the same mom she was when dad left now."

"My dad, has to pay child fees each month because that is what happens when parents get divorced and all the stuff that happened with him and because he still has a lot of money, we get quite a lot of child support each month."

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