Chapter 13 - Raise your Glass - P!nk

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Chapter 13! Please enjoy!

"Reggy! Time to leave for school!" Cole shouts from downstairs and I instantly bolt up from my bed. What? What time is it? I quickly glance at my clock to see that it is already 8:15. Oh my gosh! I was supposed to wake up more then an hour ago! We are supposed to be leaving for school now! How the hell did I over sleep so much?

"Cole! Why didn't you wake me up?!" I scream from my position in he bed. I fumble to strap on my prosthetic leg (cause it is super uncomfortable to sleep with it on). Cole comes rushing into my room.

"What!? You weren't awake yet!? I totally thought you were already awake! Aw, sorry Reggy I should have woken you." He apologizes.

"It's fine. Just give me ten minutes to get ready. Sorry, we might be a little late." I admit sheepishly.

"Okay well, meet you in the car in ten." Cole informs me before walking out of my room leaving me to deal with this mess that I am in. Once my prosthetic leg is on I walk over to my closet. I pull out a pair of jeans and a grey long sleeve with a pretty floral scarf. I quickly walk over to my bathroom and frown at myself in disgust.

A girl with bright red messy hair and huge bags under her eyes stares back at me. I quickly brush my hair and then quickly run a straightener through some of the un tamed parts. I pull all my hair to the side and then do a fish tale on the side. I fumble with a little bit of mascara and concealer to cover up my bags and make my eyes look better.

I run back over to my desk and grab all of my homework and shove it into my bag. I rush downstairs and into he kitchen. I ruffle through the cupboards for something to eat quickly for breakfast. I pull out a fruit cup and a granola bar and then run/walk to my brothers car locking the house door behind me.

Outside the snow is falling like crazy. I shiver as I remember that I forgot my jacket inside and it is like -20 outside. I run back up the stairs and try to unlock the door with my frozen hands. Once it clicks, I push the door open, run back to my room, grab my jacket, gloves and hat and then run back to my brothers car.

Completely out of breath I pull on my jacket, gloves and beanie hat as Cole pulls away from the house. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I took forever. I don't even know how I over slept. Shit, we are going to be so late. Oh my, what are we going to do? We are going to get detention and then mom will be so mad at us and then we will get kicked out of the house and then what are we going to-" I ramble on but am soon cut off.

"Reggy, calm down. We will be fine. Yes, we may be a few minutes late but, really it isn't that big of a deal. So, just take a deep breath and you will be fine." Cole says as we pull up to our school.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble or anything." I admit sheepishly. I climb out of the car and walk over to the front of our school. When Cole and I get inside of the school we both have to go our own ways. "Cya at lunch!" I call out to him.

"Yep. Cya." Cole calls back to me with a wink. God, why is my brother so cheesy? I quietly creep along the hallways because they are completely deserted except for the occasional bad people that always skip. I glance at my phone and decide that since there is only ten minutes left of first period, I will be better off just waiting and then going to second.

That way, I have less of a chance of getting caught for being late because most teaches are super lazy and don't even bother to do attendance unless someone comes in late. I walk over to my locker and place my bag inside and grab the under I need for pre calculus.

After I have my binder and everything I decide to just hang out in the washrooms cause that way no teaches will be like 'hey, what are you doing in the hallway?' I pull out my phone to look through Instagram while I am waiting because I don't really have anything better to do.

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