Chapter 7 - Perfect - Hedley

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Hi everybody! So, today I am updating chapter seven and I think this is going to be good. I'm super excited to update these so, I'm just going to let you guys get on with the reading. Enjoy!

Both of the games are in the morning so, we should be done everything by around one. Thankfully the football game is first so, that way I get he worst over with first. Not that football is bad or anything but, it isn't like soccer.

It is already 8:30 and the game starts at 9:00 so, I quickly run downstairs and grab a granola bar and head to the front of the house where Cole is waiting for me. "Why did you take so long?!" Cole asks annoyed when I appear in front of him.

He was waiting on the bench by our front door scrolling through his phone and tapping his foot impatiently. But, as soon as I appear he scowls at me. I ignore his look and grab him and drag him to the car. "Sorry I took so long I kinda overslept." I explain sheepishly.

"Kinda we were supposed to leave at 8:30 not, you wake up at 8:30!" He tells me annoyed.

"Well, as I said I am sorry and for the record I woke up a 8:00." I explain and he just rolls his eyes.

Cole speeds all the way to the arena and we get there just five minutes to nine. Cole pulls me through all the lines and drags me at full speed to our seats. God, he sure forgets that I am missing a leg. We both sot down as the football game starts and then Cole goes into football mode.

Football mode is when Cole just focuses on the game and nothing else. It is kind of annoying actually because even if you try to talk to him he will pretty much ignore you and he stays dead quiet which is a little creepy. But, then again when I watch soccer I am pretty much the same way. Well,the ignoring way, I am not quiet at all I am always muttering things that they should change or getting mad at the ref.

The football game passes slowly enough but, I watch it because I know that Cole will do the same for me. Eventually when there is about an hour left I decide that I am going to go get something to eat because I am pretty bored. I get up and grab a sprite and a coke for Cole because even if he is engaged in the game he will still appreciate a drink.

I hand him his coke when I get back. He turns to face me "thanks"he says before turning back to watch the game. Ah man, he is so funny! The rest of the game goes by fairly quickly because I have a drink. So, all is well.

In the end the Bears end up winning which is super cool because we haven't won a game in a really long time. Cole is super happy that they won. I check my phone to see the time. 11:00. The soccer game doesn't start until 12:00.

"We have an hour what do you want to do?" I ask Cole as we get back into the car.

"We could go get lunch." He suggests.

"I am not super hungry or anything how about we just get a snack and then after the soccer game we get lunch." I suggest back.

"Yeah sure. Where to?"

"How'bout Starbucks?"

"We will be there in five."

We pull up to Starbucks and we both get out. "You get a table and I will get drinks and snacks." I tell when we get inside. Cole follows my orders and grabs a table while I walk up to the ordering table thing. The girl at the front gasps when she sees me. I furrow my eyebrows. What is wrong with her?

"Um are you ok?" I ask when I see that her mouth is still wide open.

"You are her!" She says her moth still wide as she looks at me in shock.

"Um who?"

"The girl that everybody is talking about." She says in a 'duh' tone. I quirk my eyebrows up.

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