Chapter 11 - Best I ever had - Gavin DeGraw

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Here is my makeup chapter I'm super sorry but please enjoy!

Today is my first official day working as an assistant coach. I am seriously overly happy that I got offered this job, I mean I miss soccer so dang much! No, but seriously I am super happy. Cole was super happy for me because he knows how much is means to me. I am also happy that Logan didn't take it the wrong way or anything. He knows that it will be awkward and so do I but, he knows that I really want this and he is being a really nice guy right now.

I quickly pull on a pair of track pants and one of my brothers hoodies from football. I tie my red hair up into a bun on my head and I grab my neon pink nike runners and pull those on as well. I stuff my phone into one of my zip up pockets before heading out the door.

Because I can't drive yet I have to walk to the field but, it is only a twenty or so minute walk so, I am not complaining. Before going to the field, I stop at Tim Hortons because they are on the way and Starbucks isn't but also because they have really yummy smoothies and Tim bits and I really just need a change from my regular Starbucks hot chocolate and muffin even those things are super good. For those of you that don't know Tim bits are basically just the middle of the doughnut and they are super good.

Once I am done my Tim Hortons run I continue my walk to the field. When I get to the field, I am greeted by the coach grinning at me. "Hey Regean, I am so glad you could make it. You will really be helping the team." He tells me as he leads me to his little coach office.

His coach office is basically this little shack on the side of the field that has a desk and a bunch of other coach like stuff including soccer balls, cones and all the jerseys and stuff. "All righty Regean, so, we actually have a zip up warm up jacket for the coach and assistant coach so, I will hand you this one." The coach explains as he hands me a jacket that says 'Ryders' (that is their team name btw) and 'assistant coach.'

"Thanks" I tell him as I take of my own hoodie and place the it on the desk and pull on the new warm up jacket. I pull pit my phone to check on the camera how I look. It turns out that the warm up jacket makes me look pretty professional. I also take a quick selfie (com'on admit it you take them too ;D) and post it on Instagram with a caption 'new coach here! :))'

The coach hands me a clip bard with the lineups and all the guys positions and such. "Hey, um coach?" I ask him and he glances over at me.

"Ah come on Regean, no need to call me that I am not even your coach." He tells me with a smirk. Isn't he a little old to be smirking ah, whatever it works.

"I know, that is exactly what I wanted to ask you about. Um, what should I call you?"

"You can call me Bill." He says "do you mind grabbing the soccer balls, we will take them out to the field for the guys to warm up with." I grab the balls and swing them over my shoulder. Did I mention that we are in an indoor field? If not, well then I am saying it now. It is almost November anyways and the snow is already coming down way faster then I would like it to. Granted, I don't think I would want it to fall at all. Maybe I will move to California when I am older.

When the coach, um I mean Bill, and I get to the field a couple boys are already on the field stretching and hanging around. I spot Logan and wave. He sees me and smiles embarrassingly and gives me a wave before looking down at his shoes and turning red. Aw, man am I that bad?

"Okay, so I told the guys that I found an assistant coach but, they are probably expecting someone um, maybe more experienced, no offence or anything because you do have lots of knowledge in soccer but, not so much in coaching. And maybe someone male. So, don't take it the wrong way if they treat you like crap." Bill explains and I laugh. Aw, man. If I was to have an actual caring father I would want him to be like Bill.

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