Chapter 9 - One last night - Jesse Labelle

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Hey guys! It's Monday!! I have about two weeks until I go back to school and it is so sad but, at the same time I'm super excited because I'm one of those people who love everything about going back to school. Call me weird, I don't really care. ;) Anyways, Photo above is what Regean wears on her date! And fun fact, I have pretty much the same flannel plaid shirt except for one of my pockets are made out of fake leather (I don't know if there is a fancy word for that or not...). Anyways, (I realize that I say that a lot) hope you enjoy this part! Date time!!

I stare at my closet. What am I supposed to wear I mean other then the short text telling me to dress warm from Logan I have no idea what to expect. He is supposed to pick me up in about an hour and a half and I seriously need help. What do people wear on dates? I have no clue I mean I have never been on one before so how should I know?

I pull out my phone to text Fiona and Hazel asking for advice. 'I don't know what to wear!' I group text them and in seconds come their reply's. 'I will be right over' Fiona reassures me 'I am coming over with Fiona' Hazel agrees. I lie back on my bed and stare up at the ceiling until I hear the door open of my room and soon enough Fiona and Hazel come barging in.

Fiona starts to go through my closet while Hazel does my hair and makeup. She curls my hair into loose curls and applies a light coat of eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss and a light powdery foundation because I don't like heavy makeup. Once she is all done with my face and hair she quickly takes a beige coloured nail polish and paints my fingers then she grabs the blow drier to dry them which makes me laugh out loud. God, she is such a great friend. Fiona too.

Fiona hands me an outfit and I head to the bathroom to change. I pull on the black skinny jeans that she picked out and then pull on the white creamy long sleeve. Fiona chose a nice red and black plaid shirt that I add over the white long sleeve. I pull on the extra warm and big wool socks and pull them over my jean pants. I then pull on my grey combat boots that Fiona picked out for me. The outfit is finished with a big chunky gold necklace and a pair of big diamond earrings. I stare at my reflection and a grin comes over my face. I actually look pretty decent.

"He's here!" Hazel shouts before she and Fiona dash down the stairs. I quickly grab a small purse where I put some money and my phone. Once I have that I walk down the hallway and towards the stairs. I see my brother in a deep conversation with Logan. Oh god! He is probably playing over protective brother right now.

I quickly rush down the stairs and when logan sees me a huge grin appears on my face causing me to blush like crazy. Oh my what has happened to me? My brother turns to face me and I glare at him and he shrugs sheepishly "hey, I can't have him breaking my sisters heart." He explains with a smug face but deep down I know he is happy for me.

"Well, we are going to get going, bye." I tell them all as I walk out of our house dragging Logan behind me.

"Sorry, I dragged you out of there I just didn't want things to get awkward." I explain.

"No, I totally understand." He tells me as he walks down the steps of my house with me.

"So, here is the thing my mom is working tonight and I don't exactly have a car so, I couldn't borrow hers so, um is it okay if we walk. The place we are going isn't that far away so it should only take a few minutes. If you don't want to walk we could-" he starts but I soon cut him off.

"Walking works for me." I tell him with a smile and grab his hand.

His huge hand envelopes mine. I get a warm fuzzy feeling all over me. I glance over at Logan to see him look super relived. I really don't care if Logan doesn't have a car I mean, I know very well that not everybody has as much money as me and anyways I feel like I need to move my legs anyways.

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