Chapter 17 - Don't - Ed Sheeran

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Chapter 17!! Please enjoy!!!!

wake up and slowly walk over to the bathroom. I stare at the girl in the mirror and she stares back at me blankly. She has blood shot puffy eyes with big bags under them. Her face is red and blotchy and she looks absolutely terrible. I scowl and the girl scowls back at me.

"Com'on Regean. We are going to have fun today. We are going to show Logan that you don't need him whatsoever." Hazel chirps coming back in looking ten times better then the girl in the mirror.

"I don't feel like doing anything." I mumble and then burst into tears again remembering what happened last night.

"Aw, come'ere." Hazel says grabbing me into a hug. "We will do whatever you want to do today. If it is moping around the hotel room we will do that. If it is going out and pretending that it doesn't effect you at all then we will do that to. Ok?"

I nod quietly. "Ok, well I am going to get your brother and then all three of us will eat breakfast together." Hazel tells me.

"But, then Logan will have to eat on his own." I mumble and Hazel gives me a look.

"You are really worrying about him eating on his own after what he did to you?" She says with a light laugh.

"Oh, right, um sorry." I mumble.

Hazel walks over to the door and opens it and shuts it behind her. I stare at the closed door and then finally decide to get up and decide what I feel like for breakfast. I grab the room service menu and open it up. I glance over all the options before finding something that suits my mood.

Cole and Hazel come back hand and hand. I smirk. "Is there something I should know about?"

"Um, well," Cole starts rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.

"Cole and I are now dating." Hazel finishes with a guilty smile.

"Good for you two." I mumble.

"So your ok with it?" Cole asks nervously.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I just thought that maybe you wouldn't like it because she is your best friend and all." He explains.

"Well, I am perfectly fine with it. I did the same to you with Logan. But, I guess it didn't last very long." I say in a chirpy voice with a light laugh before bursting into tears again.

"Wait so what?" Cole asks confused.

"It's fine." I say in between sobs. "Sorry it just I really thought it would be able to last."

Cole stares at me for a bit clearly trying to read me. I just stare back at him my eyes rimmed with tears. "It isn't all about the girl is it? Your more upset about something else right?" Cole says after studying me for a little while.

I start sobbing again because he just hit me. He is completely right. I am not so upset about the girl but, more upset about how I am so insecure about my leg and I feel like he completely shoved in my face how I am different then everybody else and how he likes girls with legs better.

"It's just that he knows how insecure I am about my leg and I feel as if he just shoved it in my face." I say and look down embarrassed.

Cole comes over to me and gives me a huge hug. "You have no need to feel insecure. You are an amazing girl and who the hell cares about your leg anyways. If you are dating a guy who makes you feel insecure then, he defiantly isn't the right guy for you." He says in a stern voice.

"Yeah, I guess your right. It's just that I really really really really really really really like him and honestly I thought we were perfect for each other. I guess that shows how little I know about guys." I explain and then stare down at my feet.

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