29 • the fall

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And we're back. Please comment, vote and let me know you're there so I know I continued this for a reason hahah


"I asked you do to one thing, Sutton

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"I asked you do to one thing, Sutton. Stay at the Dropship."

I sat up, my head pounding as I opened my eyes. As I shifted to a seated position, I winced, a sharp pain shooting through my shoulder. It wasn't like a white-hot burning pain or anything, but it was definitely there. My eyes scanned my surroundings quickly to see that I wasn't in the Dropship anymore but sitting in a bed. And standing near the door, was Bellamy.

I felt myself smile as I looked over at him, "And when do I ever listen to what you say, Blake?"

Bellamy rolled his eyes as he came and sat on the edge of the bed, shuffling somewhat closer to me. "Good point," he chuckled softly, reaching across and taking my hand in his own.

His hand was warm, his skin soft as he gently stroked his thumb back and forth along my hand. I thought I would feel something, but I just felt hollow.

Tearing my eyes away from our hands I looked around the room, not really recognising it. It definitely wasn't the Dropship, the last place I knew for a fact that I had been. This new place seemed more advanced, reminding me more of the infirmary back on the Ark - a place I knew far too well from my time before the SkyBox.

My stomach dropped as my head snapped around to look at Bellamy, eyes unblinking. "We're not back on the Ark, are we?" I managed to choke out.

"No, I promise, this isn't the Ark," Bellamy said, shaking his head. He then lifted a hand and placed it on my cheek gently. "I'm glad you're okay. I was worried I'd lost you out there."

My mind railed back to what had happened that night. The Grounder attack, being hit over the head, watching Bellamy fight off a Grounder, being dragged away by Carter,  being shot with an arrow, speaking to Bellamy over the radios, Jasper getting the rockets working. And then I had fallen unconscious.

"You made it far enough away from the rockets," I breathed in relief and realisation as I made eye contact with him one more.

"May we meet again," he said quietly, repeating our last words to each other.

Bellamy then leaned forward, keeping his hand on my cheek as he brought his lips to mine. I had been expecting a fiery intensity as I kissed him, something to match his personality, but it was gentle. This was a side I had rarely gotten the chance to see given that it was something he only showed on occasion.

I grabbed his shoulders to pull myself closer, not wanting to part from him again. When his hand that wasn't on my cheek found my waist I almost gasped. In response, I reached one of my hands up behind his head and tangled my fingers in his hair, tugging lightly.

I wanted nothing more than to believe that everything was okay. That I was alive and Bellamy was here and we could finally work through our shit together, but something just felt. . . off.

𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 ∘ Bellamy Blake (on hold indefinitely)Where stories live. Discover now