19. It's Never Peaceful

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The rain began to pour mildly through the city.

The wind blew through the solid foundations of buildings and the misty night caused a mysterious effect in the area.

It isn't much, no one bothered about the idea of anything out of the ordinary except that it's simply rain. But indeed, it is still an ordinary day.

In the pouring rain, a number of people stood up in line. About three hundred of them, hands on their backs while staring straight feeling uncomfortable with how the rain was soaking their clothes.

"Attention!" The shout roared, overpowering thunders.

Everyone straightened their back, not daring to do anything unnecessary. But what confused them was why they were there in the first place!

Students of UA of both hero course and general ed course are gathered in the open field. Business ad and support course students were not in participants of this current event however, they were still confused. On their other side were military students probably of more than a hundred in count standing straight with the appropriate postures despite the rain.

In front up on the platform stood a group as well, but the only person in recognition to all of them was the youngest licensed hero, Ackerman. But beside her were eight people in account, wearing the same uniform.

In front of those people was an old bald man with an intimidating dark aura looming in his person. His voice was full and deafening, but overall, it made him more authoritative.

"I am commandant Keith Shadis. You maggots must be wondering why you're here?!" He said heartlessly.

Y/n sighed internally, feeling pity in her heart as she watched them all looked sour. Shadis glared at the girl making her professionally walked forward in the same stand as him. She didn't have a booming voice like Shadis' so she brought herself the microphone that Aizawa gave earlier to let her be the spokesperson for today. She refused many times, saying that she didn't really know what to tell them until two days later, Aizawa also changed plans and decided that it was time.

Y/n's confused face never left until Aizawa invited her to meet them at dinner.

To the female's surprise, she almost jumped off a cliff and climbed back to jump again-- anyways, she felt complicated but as soon as Aizawa explained the plan, her worn out and startled brain finally agreed.

Now, standing at the platform, Y/n fixed the device on her ears and held a microphone in hand. "I am Ackerman." She started. All eyes focused on her as she paused. "Can you tell who is the enemy?" She asked with a low clear voice.

The scouts looked at her as well a bit confused by what she had asked.

"Titans began to appear in this world. Thinking ahead, I don't think that people could last if these creatures would began to hunt not by one, but by groups. Most of you saw what it can do, meanwhile, some of you have only heard of it's voracious capability as a man eating giant." She paused looking at the expressions she can perceive. Some were unaffected,  but some who witness had a certain expression that one could easily tell. "Today, everyone are gathered in order to become the new guardians of humanity."

Saying that, their eyes looked up at her confused.

"Commandant Keith Shadis is the greatest foundation. I and my friends graduated under his guidance and has now accumulated experience and became an effective soldiers who specializes in killing titans." She explained. "And now, you will be evaluated. Although you are all welcome to try, I also don't think that it's appropriate to force you into such a heavy responsibility. But everyone are also free to try, quirkless or not."

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