~ Chapter Six ~

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I woke up on time today! I felt so food this morning, the day I had with Naomi just felt amazing. She's perfect to me.

The conversations we had last night were interesting, like she actually started opening up to me.

I'm proud of myself!

I got up and went to take a shower. A good shower too, I was singing and all.

"Just try a little tenderness" I singed as I stepped out the shower.

I grabbed my lotion and rubbed down, it's Monday morning so it's back to school. But I ain't even worried about that, as long as Naomi's there I'm cool.

I put on my clothes for the day and I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Damn look at that boy, fresher than a mother fucker!" I said outloud to myself not knowing I was that loud.

"Christopher, if you don't stop all that damn cussing!" My momma said as she walked in the room.

"I'm sorry momma, aye ma how I look?" I asked her as I posed.

"Like my cute baby" she said in a voice like she was actually talking to a baby.

I sucked my teeth and started grabbing my things "see you messed it up" I told her shaking my head as I walked out my room.

I can hear her laughing as she followed me.

"I'm sorry" she said "you look good though baby."

"Thank you" I said to her as I grabbed my Gatorade out the fridge and grabbed my breakfast "ma I would love to stay and have breakfast with you, but I think I'm going to head out early" I told her walking towards the door with my food.

"Ok baby, be safe and have a good day okay!" She said and I told her the same thing and she laughed.

I got in my car and got settled. As I was about to put my phone in the cupholder, I realized one was already in there. I picked it up and it was Naomi's, I tried to cut it on but it must be dead.

I'm kind of glad it's here because now I have another reason to talk to her.

I finally pulled out the driveway and made my way to school, while having my breakfast because it was hot and I ain't eating no damn cold food.

Ten minutes later

I parked my car in the student parking lot gathered my things and Naomi's phone. I got out and made sure I lock the door because these motherfuckers like to steal and shit.

I threw my plate in the trash as I walked through the parking lot and headed inside.

"This don't make no sense" I said to myself as I walked towards CeCe and Trey.

He had her against the damn locker and they making it like it's not the time for this.

It's way too damn early!!

After SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora