~ Chapter Twenty - Four ~

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"CHRIS! Why would you do that?" He literally just threw water on me. Ocean water at that.

And as soon as he did it he ran off because he knew I was gone fuck him up.

We have been spending every last day together since I'm leaving tomorrow.

I'm not going to lie and say I'm not excited about this because I am. Traveling the world with an Artist, what else can I ask for at this point.

"Stop crying!" He yelled as he jogged back to me.

"Fuck you!" I flicked him the bird and raked my fingers through my hair.

I did not want to get my hair wet, but here he go playing around.

"How's your mom?" I asked as we walked towards the beach towels we had laid out.

"She cool, that nigga ain't been around so we fine. She got a retraining order on him, and plus I'm thinking about surprising her with a house anyway." He said

"You gone buy me one too?" I asked smirking at him.

"Where you want it princess?" He smiled at me.

I laughed "I was just joking. Hopefully, in about another year or two we'll be in a house together."

I really wouldn't mind moving in with Chris later on down the line. I just think I need to get over being by myself first.

"Yeah, I can get used to aggravating you 24/7." He cracked up with his stupid lil laugh.

"I will be quick to kick yo ass out too." I mimicked his laugh and he mean mugged me.

"Let's go back to your place so we can finish our plans." He stood up and held his hand out to help me up.

"Aww so sweet" I grabbed his hand and dusted off my behind once I stood.

He grabbed our towels and made sure all the sand was out before we walked to the car hand in hand.

A couple of people stopped us and asked for an autograph. My baby famous!

We finally made it to the car and headed to my place.

"Can you stop to get something to eat because I'm hungry?" I asked

"Baby, we about to attempt to cook with CeCe."

"Okay, one, I'm hungry now and dont feel like waiting until the food is finished. Two, that could go wrong and then we'd be out late trying to get something to eat." I explained.

"It sounds like your greedy, impatient, and not confident in us." He stated

"Well considering the fact you always telling me I need to do better with my cooking or I can't cook, and you ain't skillful in that area so I definitely don't see us being sucessuful tonight."

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