~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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"Remember the college fair is next Monday, so dress to impress students. Your dismissed" our principle said as we got ready to exit the auditorium.

We just had a senior meeting about our future and how we can get help with scholarships, choosing the right college, and all that other stuff.

Honestly it was a waste of my time because I don't plan on going to college.

I think I'm going to take cece's advice and be a celebrity stylist. They make a lot of money and I have the opportunity to meet my favorite people in the world. Ofcourse I'm going to eventually open up a salon and what not, but baby steps.

"Naomi Mayah James! Do you not hear me calling you!?" I heard cece say behind me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"My bad I was thinking about something but what did you say?" I asked her as we walked out the school.

She walked up and stood in front of me.

"Have you told your parents yet? Have you talked to Chris? Are you going to prom?" She fired question after question and I really didn't want to answer any of them.

I did plan on telling my parents and I am i just don't want them to blow up on me. My parents are so against not going to college, which I don't understand because my dad didn't even go. I just don't get it. It's my decision on what I want to do with my life and as my parents they should support me. Right?

As far as talking to Chris I really don't even know what to say to him. I haven't talked to him since that day at the mall. Its been three days since I actually talked to him, I see him and he tries to have a conversation but I just make it short, or come up with an excuse to leave.

Honestly, I'm just sick of him asking me what's wrong or why I was upset that day. Like just let it go!

That's easier said than done because I still haven't let go of the fact that Ray...I mean Raymond got somebody pregnant when we were together.

I lied to my parents for you. Sneaking you in and out the house and you cheated on me. I know I got a bigger and better man but it just irks me that he actually cheated and had a baby on me.

"I don't know" I finally responded to her.

"You can't leave him in the dark like this. He is worried about you and trust me you better talk to him soon because sooner or later he's gonna stop trying. Just tell him about Raymond so he can stop calling me about you not talking to him." She said

I exhaled "Fine" I said and continued to walk to my car.

"Oh and yes I am going to prom" I told her once we reached our cars.

"You gone be going by yourself if you dont talk to Chris" she said

"Okay damn I said I'll talk to him" I got in my car and cranked it up but before I could close the door a body stood in front of it.

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