11- Sleepy time pt. 1

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One the clock strikes eleven p.m., the brothers know that need to get the pups to bed.

Victor gently picks up Jax, who was falling asleep on Vic's lap. Jax kinda opens his wolf eyes, but when he sees that it is just Victor, he closes them right back up.

William picks up Kaila, who was in her human form now. She had fallen asleep right ontop of William, so he didn't have to worry about waking her on accident.

"Should we put them in our rooms for tonight while we finish their rooms?" William asks.

Victor nods. "That would probably be best. I just don't understand why Jax didn't want to eat anything in his human form."

William just shrugs. "We can figure that out tomorrow. After we get the kids to bed we can go get some clothes for them too."

Once the vampires got the children all situated, they left the house, to the nearest clothing store.

These two brothers have a lot more in store for them then they think.

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