18- The Only Way To Start

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"I'll start from the beginning then." Jax sighs, "It'd be best so that you are able to understand what I am talking about."

Victor nods. "Do you want to sit down to talk?"

Jax nods, and William picks up the teenager from behind. Jax lets out a noise of surprise, but doesn't seem to mind being carried. 

One Jax is deposited into one a the many comfortable armchair, he takes a shaky breath. 

"Don't push yourself to far, kid. We just need to know what's happened to you two. If it gets to much, you don't need to continue. Okay?" William says, ruffling Jax's hair. 

Jax nods. 

"So, Kaila and I were created by our Master."

"Not your Master." Victor tries to correct. 

"Well then I don't know what to call him them, because that was the only name Kaila and I were allowed to call him." Jax replies, upset with the vampires because they keep interrupting him. 

Both vampires hold their tongues, knowing that Jax was getting angry with them. They didn't want Jax to stop telling them what happened.

"Anyways, our Master created Kaila, five and a half years ago. She was created with two werewolves' DNA. Sixteen years ago, Master created me.  I am......different than Kaila" Jax stammers out, uncomfortable for sharing this story for the first time ever. 

"How?" Victor asks, confused. 

"I have Warrior blood in me."

William and Victor are shocked. 

Warrior blood is very dangerous. It allow the user to be able to achieve over-superhuman abilities. 

"The man, who you two won't let me call by the only name I know, added Warrior blood into me when I was first created, to turn me into his weapon."

"Why didn't the man add Warrior blood into Kaila?" William asks, writing all of the information he learn down on his laptop. 

Jax shrugs at this, letting the overly bagging clothes fall back on his skinny body. "I'm not exactly sure myself. All I remember was about four years ago, when the man gave me a baby Kaila to raise on my own."

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