24- Under But Present

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Victor took Kaila out to the local park so she could meet a few new friends, while Jax and William stayed home. 

"Are you ready? I'm just going to give you the drink, and then we'll start the questions." William says, trying to put Jax at ease. 

Jax nods. "Will I be able to remember anything that we talk about? I know you said about how that I wouldn't be able to control myself when answering these questions."

William shakes his head. "Technically, no. You won't be able to remember anything that you tell me, but no worries. Victor wants me to record our conversation, so you'll be able to go back and listen to what you said, and tell us if anything you said is false." 

Jax sighs, looking down on the ground, shaking his head. 

"Hey. Talk to me, Jax. What is going on? You are not normally this quiet." William says, placing a hand in Jax's shoulder. 

"I don't understand how he was able to find us so easily. I thought I covered our tracks." Jax says, looking at William with teary eyes.

"Oh Jax. No one's perfect." William says, raising Jax's head up to look at his own. "No one is mad that he found us. It actually show Victor and I that we need to be more careful and set better wards. It is our job to protect you and your sister now."

Jax smiles at William. "Thanks Liam."

William smile, standing up and going over to the kitchen, where he had put the drink. It was a thick grey color. It looked as though it had the texture if a milkshake.

"Once you drink this, you'll feel like the main emotion you'll express when we are talking. So for you, you'll probably feel sad. Just relax and then you'll wake up. Okay?" William says, holding the cup for Jax, who drinks the mixture with a large straw.

Jax nods, and his eyes start to cloud. 

William nods. "Let's get this over with, Fenrir."

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