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Cal didn't know how to tell Mia that he was regretting signing over his rights to his baby with Alexia. He didn't want to rock the boat. Especially since they had been getting on so well lately.

Cal walked into the kitchen. He saw Mia sitting there with Aaliyah. He smiled. "Hey."

"Hey. I think we need to talk after work today. There's something you should know," Mia told him.

Cal frowned. "What?"

Mia sighed. "Lex had the baby. This morning. Definitely a girl and they've named her the name I told you."

Cal nodded. He sat down and took Aaliyah from her. "That's good. She's healthy?" Cal asked.

"She's a little underweight so they're monitoring her for now. But other than that, yeah," Mia said. She looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good. I'm really good actually."

Mia smiled and kissed him. She knew he was lying. But she didn't want to call him out.

The two of them arrived at work. Cal took Aaliyah into the crèche and sighed. "You're daddy's little princess. Okay?"

Aaliyah giggled and chewed on her hand. Cal kissed her head before he put her down and sighed. "See you later darling."

Mia went up to the Maternity. She grinned as she saw her sister. "Congratulations!"

"Hey. I didn't think I'd see you," Alexia said as she looked at her.

Mia rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well here I am. I wanted to see how you were. And how little lady is," she said.

"She's fine. Iain is with her in the NICU. He's keeping an eye on her. She's a little underweight. But she's fine. They're doing all the checks on her," Alexia said.

Mia smiled. "Do you have a photo?"


Mia looked to the little girl on the screen. She smiled. "She's actually adorable! She has Aaliyah's eyes."

"She does. You can go see her if you want to," Alexia said.

Mia nodded. She sighed. "I think Cal is struggling. With his decision."

"I thought he would. Iain mentioned they had a chat last week but I didn't think anything of it," Alexia told her.

Mia smiled. "I'll talk to him. He doesn't know that I know. So I'll see if I can get him to talk to me. But I should go before queen Connie comes to hunt me down."

Cal pulled Mia into his arms and kissed her. Mia smiled and looked at him. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Cal nodded. He smiled. "I am. I just wanted to kiss you. If that's okay," he told her as he kissed her neck.

Mia smiled. The two of them kissed again. "I should go. People to save and make better," she said.


The two of them went back home. Cal sighed as he climbed onto the bed with Aaliyah. Mia joined them. "I think we should just sit in bed. Order some pizza and watch Harry Potter."

Mia smiled and nodded. "Deal."

Cal looked at her. He sighed. "I need to talk to you. I think I want to see my lawyer again. And get my rights back," he said.

Mia nodded. She knew this was coming. But could they make it work? Or would it all go wrong a second time?

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