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Mia couldn't help but worry that Cal was going to cheat on her again. But this time with Taylor. She knew all that Taylor had done to hurt Cal in the past and she didn't want it again.

That morning, she woke in bed and sighed. She knew how messy that everything was. She looked to see Cal as he walked into the bedroom.

Cal sat on the bed and smiled. "Hey. I know it's a mess. But it's all going to be okay. I promise you," he said.

"Really? What does Taylor want Cal? Why has she turned up now of all times? What's her game?" Mia asked as she looked to him.

Cal sighed. He looked to her and shook his head. "I really do wish I knew. She hasn't said why she's here. She's just said that she's back for some reason.  Hasn't said what the reason is yet," Cal said.

"Okay. I just don't trust her."

Cal nodded and smiled. "I don't either. I just know that we're gonna be okay. I promise," he said.

"I hope so."

The two of them shared a quick kiss before Mia got out of bed and got ready. 

Mia and Cal went into work. Cal kissed her and walked off. Alexia walked over to her. "Hey. You okay?" She asked.

Mia nodded and sighed. She looked to her sister. "Taylor is back. Cal's ex. I don't know what she wants. I don't trust her at all. What if she wants to take him from me?" She said.

"Don't be silly. She won't take him from you. She's just here to wind you up. You can't let her Mi. You and Cal are so good together that it's unreal. You make me and Iain seem like Fiona and Lord Farquad," Alexia said.

Mia smirked and laughed. "Wow. That's the best comparison you've got?" She asked.

"It's the only one I've got."

Mia grinned and nodded. She smiled. "How's Belle?" She asked as she looked to her.

"She's okay. She's in the crèche today. So I'm a little worried that she's going to catch something," Alexia said.

Mia rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

"Yeah. Maybe."

"Trust me."

Mia was sitting in the staffroom. She looked up as Cal walked in. Taylor behind him. "What's she doing here?" She asked.

"Don't babe. She's here for a reason. What's the reason?" Cal said as he turned to Taylor.

Taylor sighed. "We have a daughter. Her name is Matilda."

Mia frowned. She turned to look at Cal. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't handle it. She stood up and walked off.

Cal went to find Mia. He saw her sitting in the car. "Babe. I didn't know. I promise you," he said.

Mia sighed. She looked to him. "This is just stupid. You know that  right?" She told him.

"I know. But I'm going to get a DNA test. I just want to meet the kid first. Is that okay?" Cal asked.

Mia shrugged and sighed. She had no idea how this situation was about to change a hell of a lot for her and Cal.

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