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Mia sat in the NICU as she sat next to Gracie bedside and smiled as cal walked in

"how's our girl" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"she's good, she had a bad night but she's a warrior we might be able to transfer her to holby in a few weeks. I want her to be closer to home and to family, in case downright happens" Mia said as cal looked to her and smiled

"I know but she is a fighter and she will be okay. I can tell your scared but no matter what I am here and I know that you still hate me for what happened with alexia and I really am sorry as I lost you and you were the best thing that happened to me but we need to be strong. You know I won't let her down don't you" cal said as he looked to Mia and smiled as she grabbed a hold of his hand and smiled

"your a great dad cal and she needs you and that thing with Alexia is the last thing on my mind but you can't turn your back on that baby too hot when there's still a high chance you can loose this one" Mia said as cal looked to her and smiled

"she is going to be okay, I promise" cal said as Mia looked to him and smiled

Mia lay asleep in her hospital bed as she heard someone walk into the room and waking her up. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up and saw Charlie

"dad" Mia said as Charlie looked to her and smiled

"hey, I just wanted to see if you were okay. I know your under a lot of stress and you know you need to look after yourself so that you can look after baby" Charlie said as Mia looked to him and smiled

"I know dad, I'm just scared to get attached to her. I mean what if she does. She gets better and she has these bad turns and it scares me" Mia said as Charlie looked to her and smiled

"I know that you are scared but you don't need to be, I am here and I am your dad and she's my granddaughter and we will get through this as a family. Alexia as well, she will do anything she can to help you" Charlie said as Mia looked to him and smiled

"thanks dad but all I need is time, time for my baby to get better" Mia said as Charlie smiled

"and she will" he said as he kissed the top of her forehead

Mia stood by the vending machine and sighed as she got herself a bar of chocolate. She looked to see cal as he walked over

"I'd say that makes you fat but nothing makes you fat mi, you are just hotter" cal said as Mia looked to him for a moment

"I was joking" he said as they held a look before she leant in and kissed him.

Cal was taken a back as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close and kissed her back passionately but what did this mean for Mia and cal and could they find a way to move past their issues

I still need you {Casualty}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang