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Mia walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Charlie. He handed her a cup of tea and smiled "can we talk?" He asked as she nodded. She took a sip of tea and sighed "you know that you don't need to do this, I know what cal did with Alexia and I know how he hurt you but you don't need to have an abortion, you will male a fantastic mum" Charlie said as Mia looked to him and smiled "a couple of months ago, if this happened then nothing would of made me happier but now I just don't know, it's all a mess and I don't know what to do. I can't have a baby with cal and raised it with him, I just can't" Mia said as Charlie looked to her and smiled "okay, but if cal wasn't in the picture and you moved away. Could you do it then" Charlie asked as Mia looked to him and frowned

"What are you suggesting dad?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled "you have been through so much and I know that you don't want an abortion and that you are hurt I'll help you but how about you go and see your mum for a bit" Charlie asked as Mia looked to him and sighed "I can't afford to go to New Zealand dad, besides my job is here and my family is here" "cal is here too and I won't let him hurt you again Mia, I'll help you with costs and everything besides you have family over there. Just think about it as I think that it will be for the best as you won't be able to live your life as long cal is around " Charlie said as Mia looked to him and sighed. She didn't know what to think or do


Mia sat in the staffroom as she got to work as Alexia walked in and smiled as she looked to her "are you okay" Alexia asked as Mia nodded "I know, dad told me your pregnant" Alexia said. She felt guilty knowing that she was also pregnant with cals baby and that she hadn't told her family yet "I don't know" Mia said as Alexia looked to her and smiled.


Cal walked down the hall as Charlie walked over to him "you need to stay away from Mia, she is a mess and the last thing that she needs is you messing her" Charlie said "Charlie" "and stay away fro Alexia. I won't let you come between my daughters again" Charlie said as cal nodded "I can't though, there's something that you need to know over Alexia. She's pregnant with my baby" cal said as Charlie frowned "ales what?" Mia asked as cal turned to face her and frowned "Mia" "no, don't. I am some hearing your excuses. You got my sister pregnant and she's not the only one. I am leaving with this baby before you can screw it's up like with me and my sister. We're done" Mia said as she stormed off she knew it was the best that she left holby.

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