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Mia walked into work. She saw Iain standing there with Bella. She walked over. "Has she been discharged?" She asked as she looked at him.

Iain nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Lex is just getting everything she needs. Listen. Why don't you and Cal come over tonight? I know it will be awkward. But I think it will be good for everyone to get together," he said.

Mia smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'd like that. I'll talk to Cal about it. I think if he sees Bella, he'll be okay."

Iain nodded. "Great. I'll tell Lex when she's finished. I think she's getting an examination."

"Okay. See you tonight."

Iain walked off. Mia walked over to Cal and smiled. "Hey. So we're going to Iain's tonight. They're taking Bella home. And Iain wants us all to talk," she told him.

Cal turned to her. "Babe. I can't. I can't see that little girl and know that I'm not her dad."

Mia smiled. "That's why we're going over. We're going to talk about it all. They want you in her life."

Charlie walked over to Mia. He smiled. "How you doing love?" He asked.

"I'm okay. I'm just worried about Cal. He knows that Alexia is taking Bella home. And we're going over tonight. But I don't know how it's going to go."

Charlie nodded and smiled. "It will be okay. It's just a talk. I'll go and talk to Cal soon. You have a patient in cubicle three."

Mia rolled her eyes. "You mean you have a patient in cubicle three. You're just putting them onto me," she said as she took the file from her father.

Charlie nodded. He looked at her. "It's going to be okay. Go on," he said as he gave his daughter and gentle push towards the cubicle."

Mia walked over to the patient. Charlie watched his daughter and sighed. He knew she was going through so much. Especially with her boyfriend having a child with her sister.

Mia smiled as she pulled Cal into the staffroom. She looked to him and kissed him. "You know... we have some time. We can slip off to an on call room. And have some fun."

Cal smirked. "Why should we go there? I can always do you in here. Providing you don't make a sound," he said.

Mia grinned. She nodded. "Okay."

Cal turned her in his arms. He pulled down her scrubs trousers and his own. He quickly pushed her thong to the side and pushed into her.

Mia bit her lip as she tried to stop a moan. Cal began moving in and out of her. He started kissing her neck. Mia groaned. "Cal. I'm going to-," she mumbled.

"Do it then babe."

Cal shot his load into her. Mia released hers. She turned to him and smirked. "Amazing."

"Like you."

Mia and Cal arrived at Iain's new house. Iain opened the door. He smiled. "Hey. Come on in. Lex is just getting Bella sorted."

Mia saw the apprehension on Cal's face. She took his hand and smiled. "It's going to be okay. Come on," she said as she kissed him.

Cal nodded and followed her in. He smiled. Iain looked to them. "Drink? No alcohol though," he said.


Cal was sitting on the sofa. He was watching Mia with Bella and sighed. Cal knew that he had everything he could want with Mia. But he had no idea how one ex fling was going to come crashing back into his life.

With a huge secret that was going to ruin Cal and Mia once again.

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