Love Hurts

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"With the seeds traded from tondc and their advice our crops have finally began to grow" Kane finished his report. Lexa listened intently from her throne. Once he concluded his report he held his hands behind his back waiting for the commander to speak.

I looked over to my left where Anna and Sirus were standing. She was shifting from foot to foot and was a little pale. Sirus set a hand on her back leaning over to whisper to her so not to disturb court. Anna nodded saying something back quickly. Once she turned back to pay attention she caught sight of my concerned look. Was she not feeling well? "I'm starving" she whispered to me. I nodded turning back to the meeting. It would be over soon and she could go get something to eat, she looks like she really needs it.

"Thank you, chancellor Kane" Lexa said to the man after taking in the information he had to share.

"Yes commander" he bowed his head and handing a paper with the information written on it to a nearby guard. Then he walked over to where Abby was standing with Clarke. Behind them was Octavia and Bellamy. Lincoln was leading a hunting party around skaikru for the next couple of days and would meet Octavia in polis then.

"Indra, your report from tondc" Lexa turned her attention to the woman.

Indra walked to the spot Kane had previously been standing. "Like chancellor Kane described trade with skaikru has been going well. Their medicine has helped to clear the sickness that was effecting the people of tondc" She went on to talk about the other dealings with tondc and other villages.

"Thank you, Indra" Lexa nodded to her ready to end the meeting.

"One more thing commander" Indra added.

"Yes?" Lexa questioned attentively.

Indra's posture straightened even more than it had been. "Titus has been spotted in the woods between tondc and polis. I've sent scouts to follow his trail" she said.

Lexa's jaw clenched at the new information. No one has been able to find Titus in the four months he's been on the run. Now there might be a chance for this loose end to be tied up. "Notify me once he is captured" she said. Indra bowed her head then returned to her position on the side of the room. "This meeting is at its end you may all go" She stood with her hands behind her back.

"I'm going to get something to eat and go radio Raven with Clarke in her room" Anna turned to me to say.

I looked over her face as she spoke. "Okay, get some rest after. You look a bit pale" I said.

She nodded slowly, "Yeah defiantly. I haven't ate today."

Sirus and her left with the last of the people from the meeting. Lexa stepped down from her throne meeting me in the middle of the room. "Do you have anything to do the remained of the day?" She asked with her eyebrow raised and a smile.

"Not that I know of" I answered.

Lexa took my hand pulling me into her. My hands landed on her chest as a small gasp left my lips. "Well then let me occupy your time" She smirked. She covered the distance between us quickly kissing me. Lexa moved her lips with mine and took my bottom lips in hers. "Come on let's go upstairs" she said nodded her head towards the passageway.

"Okay" I smiled. We kissed one more time before Lexa lead us to the passageway in the back corner of the room. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind making her stumble. Still she laughed a little and turned to kiss the top of my head. We were about half way through the passageway when she pulled my hand off her. "Whats the mat-" she cut me off kissing me and shoving me against the wall.

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