Cramps and chocolate (ScarletFrost, 1287 words)

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📝Description: Wanda and Loki are dating and Wanda gets her period📝

⚠️TW:none unless you have a phobia of periods and chocolate⚠️

❤Ship: Scarletfrost❤

🕐Time: idk make it up🕐

Loki's pov

I stepped into the living room after getting home from work, to see my beautiful Wanda curled up on the soft sofa.

I strolled up to her, putting my bag down and jumped over the sofa cuddling up to her from behind. I saw her flinch slightly "I am sorry my love but you just looked so adorable curled up like that." I smiled at her and kissed her soft nose. When I pulled away, I noticed something was wrong. "Are you ok, darling?"

She nodded her head slightly but I could see the "no" lingering in her gorgeous blue eyes. "No you're not. What's wrong?"

She looked away shyly and spoke in the tone as if she were a mouse, but I could still hear her, "I'm fine, my stomach just hurts a bit. I'm used to it now anyway, considering it started when I was 11." She said the last sentence extra quietly but thanks to my jotun hearing, I heard and it clicked in my mind.

"Oooohhhhh! Is it err- that time of the- oh wait no I forgot, girls hate it when you say that, sorry - are you on your period darling?" I corrected myself, having learnt from past experiences.

"Just leave me alone Lokiiii..." She whined.

"That's a yes then. I'll tell you what, I'll go to the shops, get loads of chocolate, a big fluffy blanket, a new hot water bottle and anything else you need. And then when I get home, I'll make us both a hot chocolate, put any film of your choice on, and we can cuddle all day if you want. How does that sound?" I said trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

"It's fine Loki, now can you just leave me alone. It's embarrassing talking about stuff like this to your boyfriend, you know."

My heart fluttered when she said that word but I pushed it aside and put my hand on her cheek gently so she would face me, "My love, not a single thing about having a period is embarrassing. You women are all heroes, having to go through this, pretty much your whole life, every month, for a week. Honestly I am amazed. I once turned into a girl for a whole month just to prove an idiotic boy from Asgard wrong about how hard periods can be, and I can assure you, I wouldn't be able to go through that again, let alone as much as you have to go through it. Now please accept my offer so I can treat you the way you should be treated, ok?"

Thankfully she finally nodded, a small smile perking up on to her luscious lips. "Ok, thank you baby. I love you."

I grinned from ear to ear, "I love you too. And before I go, I'm going to assume you want this more than usual." I said, pulling off my green hoodie.

She greatly accepted and pulled it on, soon after pulling me into a kiss. I said the three treasured words once more and then headed out the door.


Once I reached Morrisons (if you don't know what that is - I'm not sure if u have Morrisons in other countries - its a shop in England that sells really good chocolate and hot chocolate so I chose that, but if u wanna change it to a shop you know feel free :D ) I headed straight to the sweets isle and picked up four big bars of Cadburys chocolate, one plain dairy milk, one fruit and nut, one caramel and finally one "marvelous creations, jelly popping candy" one. I put them I my basket and got some squirty cream, hot chocolate and marshmallows. Then I finally headed down to the toiletries section the get the tampons Wanda asked me for. I couldn't find a blanket or hot water bottle - well duh - so I decided to go to a different shop for them.

When I reached the till, and the lady scanned the tampons, she looked at me sweetly. Whilst scanning the rest of the items and packing them away, she said: "Well aren't you a nice boy. Who are these for? A girlfriend by any chance?" I nodded my head. Was it so unusual for a guy to be paying for a woman's tampons? I thought it was only Thor.

He ofter ordered me to buy them for Jane when he was too embarrassed to pay for them for her, I often scolded him for it, giving him a lecture about how non-emabrrasing it is. But yet I was still the one paying for them

I got the fluffiest, crimson red blanket I could find, not after greatly considering getting a green one but then remembering Wanda was the one on her period and not me, and a pink hot water bottle with a cute cat face on Wanda likes cats. I remembered, paying for these and hopping back in the car.

I got home and, as promised, I filled up Wanda's hot water bottle, made us both large mugs of hot chocolate, remembering to put extra everything on Wanda's, and put them all on a tray, as well as the caramel and popping candy chocolate bars - since they were big bars, I didn't want my love being sick as well because she ate too much chocolate.

By the time I walked into the living room, my Wanda had aleready got "Inside Out" ready to watch. Putting the tray on the table, I said "Are we watching this just so you can see me cry about Bing Bong again?"

"Maybeee....!" She said in the most adorable voice ever, a really cute smile etched on her beautiful face. I grinned, "have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful person I have ever met?"

She blushed grabbing the hot water bottle. After letting her take a sip of her hot drink, I wrapped me and the blanket around Wanda, pressing play on the TV remote. I kissed her again, trying to get as close to her as possible, putting one leg over her hip, my arms round her chest - as delicate as possible- and my head resting on hers and her shoulder.

"I love you so much, you know?"

"You say that every day but I can never get used to it. I love you too Lokes. You may have killed a lot but I love you as much as I have loved anyone. Even Pietro." She whispered the last word.

"Hey, it's ok. I love you and I think I can say that for myself and everyone you have lost, all of which are looking down on us from Valhallah. Or Heaven. Or which ever afterlife place you believe in." I smiled, kissing her cheek and turning to face the movie flashing on the screen. Although that didn't last for long, considering I was soon looking at my girlfriend.

My girl.

My darling.

My Wanda.

Lokiii dokkiiii, that's my second one shot, I hope you liked it, I love the angst but the fluff is just *chefs kiss*.

Comment and vote please, also thank you to the person who kept commenting on my other one shot earlier, you really made my day. Tbh I'm pretty worn out from school, then a netball match (of which we lost 13-12 😭) and then my dancing, so this might be terrible writing. Anyways good night, good morning or good day to anyone reading. Byyyyeeee!!!


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