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WinterFrost headcanons

~ Bucky and Loki barely shower together cause Loki always had really cold showers (cause he's a Frost Giant) and Bucky always has really hot ones (cause cold ones bring back Hydra memories.

~ Defo switches although Bucky usually ends up on top, Loki denies it.

~ Sometimes they go days without sleep cause of their PTSD from the war/Hydra and from Thanos, so they just stay up all night.

~ Loki always talks about his mother to Bucky, and Bucky talks about Steve when he was tiny.

~ Both of them used to HATE winter and snow, Loki cause it reminded him what he really was and Bucky for obvious reasons, but when they got together, they braved the cold together and now they love playing in the snow.

~ Loki cries watching Disney films and Bucky NEVER misses the opportunity to bring it up. He once brought it up in front of all of the Avengers so now they always make fun of him for it, especially Clint and Tony.

~ Bucky loves eating VERY flavourful things, cause when he was little, food was very bland, while Loki loves anything sugary since Asgard didn't have many sugary things.

~ Loki cooks for the two of them and if they can't, they order take out. Bucky is not allowed anywhere near the kitchen unless it's to do something like make a cold drink.

~ Peter puts magnets on Bucky’s arm and even though he hates it, Bucky let's him. Loki once walked in on Peter putting a magnet on his arm and Bucky accidently threw the magnet at Peters head out of shock. Tony was furious.

~ When Loki came out to Bucky about him being Genderfluid, Bucky didn't understand at first but once he understood, he asked Loki what his pronouns were that day, the second he saw him.

Frostiron headcanons

~ Loki got so sick of Tony's coffee addiction that he hid all of it. Tony was furious.

~ Loki always makes fun of Tony for his height and almost every time, Tony's response was "Maybe I'm not short, maybe you're just tall" and Loki never usually responds until one day he said "Well to be tall, I need big feet, and you know what they say about men with big feet." And Tony now NEVER responds to the "You're short" comments, if Loki is in the room.

~ When Loki came out as Genderfluid, Peter saw how accepting everyone, especially Tony, was, so was confident enough to come out as trans too. Loki and Tony then made a more comfortable, built in binder to all of Peter's spiderman suits - Tony offered to get Peter top surgery but Peter said that he was scared and was going to wait.

~ Tony tops. All. The. Time. Loki denies it. Every. Singe. Time.

~ Before they got together, Tony was CONVINCED  that Loki had a thing for Steve, Bucky or Strange and Loki was CONVINCED that Tony had a thing for Steve, Bucky, Strange and sometimes even Thor.

~ To begin with, Loki hated the idea of his birthday or Christmas or any celebration where you get presents because he only ever got one or two books while Thor got horses and parades and other really expensive stuff, until Tony started to treat him the same, if not better, than everyone else and now Loki loves it all.

Stucky headcanons

~ No one knew they were together for an entire year, apart from Nat, and the rest just thought they were really close besties.

~ Bucky sometimes woke up with his arms around Steve and panicked, thinking he was hurting him (thought the Winter Soldier was back) and Steve had to comfort him.

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