Is this really happening? (Scarletfrost, 2053 words)

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This is story was partly requested by avengers_edits24 but only a small part of it. I don't really ship this anymore so it might not be great but I'll do my best :)

Also to the person who requested it, I'm sorry that the whole thing isn't what you requested, I just like making my oneshots quite long and if I only did the part that you requested then it would be quite short. If you only want to read the part you requested, go to the asterisks.

📝Description: Wanda and Loki had been together for a while and one day, Wanda realises she's pregnant. (Part requested is: Wanda is pregnant and because her body is changing and growing, she is becoming insecure and thinks she's fat so Loki comforts her)📝

❤Ship: Scarletfrost and mentions of Stucky, Thruce, Pepperony, whatever the ship name for Maria HillxNatasha is and Hawksilver (yes Pietro never died in AOU in this story)

⚠️Warnings: mentions of child death, terrible fathers and slight self hate.⚠️

🕑Time: idk any time where everyone is alive but loki is living at the Avengers tower (has been for just under three years)🕑

Wandas pov

"Is this really happening?" My voice quivered as I held the pregnancy test up for my best friend, Natasha, to see.

The word 'pregnant' appeared in bold and it caused my heart to beat faster.

I had no idea this would happen. I was feeling so many emotions at once that it became overwhelming and I began to cry. With those tears, came rain falling from the ceiling.

Natasha wrapped her arms around me as I kept crying, softly.

"What am I gonna do?" I cried.

"What do you mean? You're gonna tell Loki, then you're gonna tell the rest of our friends, and then you're gonna have a baby after nine months and raise it. With all of us to help you."

"It's not that easy. 'Just tell Loki' how?! What if he's not happy about it and leaves me? What if I can't do it so I have to have an illegal abortion?!" I was panicking big time.

"Hey, hey, slow down. Its gonna be fine, Wanda. First of all, me and Clint are Loki's best friend, we know how caring he is, and how he will never leave you even if he wasn't happy with you having a baby. And secondly, I fucking despise that new law, if you decide and you are one hundred percent sure, you want an abortion. Pack your bags 'cause we are heading to England."

"Are you sure? Are you sure Loki won't leave me?"

"Positive." Natasha said, with no hesitation. "Now. Let's go shopping, I've got an idea."

Loki's pov

I walked into mine and Wanda's room, hoping to get a shower after sparring with Cap, and winning, obviously, but Wanda was there to stop me.

She held two boxes in her hand and her face was slightly red, as if she had been crying. "Are you OK, darling? Have you been crying?"

I stepped closer to her and put a hand on her face.

"Yes. But you'll see why in a minute," she gestured to the boxes, "open them."

I took the first box from her hand, sitting down next to her. I opened it warily, almost dropping it as I saw what was inside. A positive pregnancy test.

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