Maybe Misletoe (BlackFrost, 3038 words)

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📝Description: everyone at the Stark tower is celebrating Chrismas together and Loki ends up getting his crush for secret Santa📝

⚠️TW: slight mentions of torture and DC- for every Marvel fan that starts wars against DC fans⚠️

❤Ship: BlackFrost, Stucky (yes I do include other ships too, this is my favourite non-Loki one) and Peter Q X Gamora (idk what that ship is called sorry)❤

🕐Time: after Avengers Infinity War but no one dies (Just because the guardians and Avengers would have met yet)🕐

Loki's pov (again sorry)

I was sleeping peacefully when a little Spiderling pounced on my sleeping body. I sprung out of bed like a lemur, ready to attack, said Spiderling. "PETER! What the hell, I could have killed you!"

"Sorry Mr Loki, I just got really excited because it's your first Christmas! Come on we need to open presents!!!" Peter yelled, unknowingly making the bed shake from bouncing on me for me to get up.

"Yes, ok, ok, ok, I'm up, just let me get dressed. And before you say anything, yes I will put something Christmasy on." Peter smiled at me from ear to ear and ran out of my room, probably to go wake everyone else who hadn't been woken up.


I jogged downstairs, wearing some grey track suit bottoms, with a black/blue/navy coloured shirt on, which had a white silhouette of Sanda Claus' sleigh and four Reindeer, flying across the chest section. I was also wearing - which I hope no one would notice - red, santa slipper-socks.

The second I walked into the Avengers compound living room, I was greeted by a very excited Tony Stark wearing what seemed to be a home made Rudolph jumper. He jumped in front of me and placed a large antler headband on my Raven hair, whilst Peter Quill jumped from behind the door, and pulled a party popper whilst screaming, in sync with Tony, "MERRY FIRST CHRISTMAS!"

My emerald eyes widned at the pair as I was drowned in colourful, paper streamers. "Well I was expecting a lot, but this was not one of those things." I said calmly trying and failing to suppress a huge smile appear on my pale face. I didn't admit it to anyone but I was VERY excited for Christmas. Especially when I learnt who I had to buy a present for, for the secret Santa we were doing. Natasha. Natasha Romanoff, the one who had been my crush for ages.

Now was finally my chance, I had concocted the perfect present. Now I just needed a certain spider to find what was inside.


A few hours later, after we had eaten, it was time to open the secret Santa. The presents were aleready under the emerald Christmas tree. It was adorned with silver, red and gold tinsel, bright gold lights and an array of many different unfashionable- to Peppers annoyance- baubles. All different kinds, all different colours, the guardians even made some from some of the stuff they found on other planets, they did the same with some of the few things me and my brother managed to save from Asgard. Some of Quills lively music was playing in the background as we started getting presents from under the tree.

My present was in shiny green wrapping paper and a gold ribbon wrapped round it, into a bow, a card tag tied to the ribbon with messy handwriting that spelt out:

To: Loki,
merry first Christmas! Hope you like the present I got you,
From: your Secret Santa.

The tag itself made me smile and I waited for Tony to say, before I opened it. After the wrapping, that was vigorously ripped off, there was a large cardboard box and I felt a cold aroma burst off of it. The freezing air scared me, worrying me that my true form would soon break free- please not now, this is my chance to finally get Nat to like me!- but I also found a sense of comfort, as if it were something familiar to me, something almost, nice?

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