Fear (Fandroki, 3240 words)

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📝Description: Thor is killed by Thanos so it's up to Loki to avenge him and kill the person he fears so much. But what happens when he's given a choice?📝

❤️Ship: Fandroki, slight Stucky and WandaVision 🏳️‍🌈❤️

⚠️Warnings: character death, mentions of torture ⚠️

🕐Time: the start of infinity war 🕐

Third person pov

Loki shook in fear as Thanos crushed the glowing, blue cube in his fist. He could feel the surge of energy at the two infinity stones connecting, but he ignored it, his biggest worry being over that of his brother.

He tried to conjure the magic that ran through his soul, but simply looking at the man who did so many things to him, locked the power in place, making the God helpless to Thanos, once again.

"If you're going to earth, you might want a guide," He said a plan surging in his brain, it's the only way to be sure of Thor's survival, he convinced himself, "I do have a bit of experience in that arena."

"Do you consider, failure experience?" His cold, deep voice, faltered Loki's confidence. But then he remembered who was at stake. Just think of Thor.

"I consider experience, experience." Loki stepped closer, the plan eating away at his brain, incase it didn't work. "Almighty Thanos, I, Loki, Prince of Asgard, " He looked to Thor, an apologetic look, coating his eyes, "Odinson," Thor's eyes widned slightly, the use of Loki's last name, surprising him, I thought Loki hated me. Thor had always thought, I'm sorry, I know you hate me, was what Loki always thought. "The rightful king of Jotenheim, " He continued, "God of Mischief, do hearby pledge to you, my, undying, fidelity." The cold leather hilt in Loki's grasp, was all too familiar. But not a good familiar. A bad familiar. Very bad. It was as if he could still see the crimson blood that belonged to the many victims he had killed.

In a flash, Loki swooped forwards in an awful attempt to stab Thanos. He knew he wouldn't kill him. But it was necessary. Thanos would kill him, and if he killed one brother - Loki - then the other would survive - Thor.

"You may think you are smart, Jotun runt," Thanos said, the dagger caught in a blanket of blue magic, "but I am smarter. I know your plan. I will not give you the peace you so long for." Thanos grabbed Loki's hand, forcing him to drop his weapon. Then he reached forwards, wrapping his purple hand round Loki's neck. He squeezed lightly, causing Loki pain but not enough to kill him.

Once he had his fun, Thanos threw Loki to the ground, some of the God's ribs cracking beneath him. The metal was encased in the magic of the space stone, the metal reaching up and round so Loki was in a sitting position and forced to watch.

Forced to watch his brother reach his doom, right before his eyes. Thanos wrapped his muscular hand around Thor's neck. He squeezed his neck, tighter and tighter. Tears streamed down Loki's cheeks and his voice went hoarse as he screamed. Thor's bones began to crack until, finally, the King of Asgard took his final breath.

Thor was thrown to the ground like a piece of litter. Loki tried his hardest to army crawl over to his brother, grasping onto his body as he sobbed and screamed. Loki had never felt this true pain before and he didn't know if he could ever recover from that day. He felt agony when his mother died and when Fandral died, but at least he didn't see their death's play out infront of his very eyes. At least their death's hadn't come from the man that Loki feared more than anything else in the universe.

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