school competition

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So my English teacher is hosting a school competition where you have to write from any villian's perspective as they do something. The villian can be aleready made by someone else bit you have to make a different, new and original story. Now as I was reading this on the PowerPoint I was freaking out and going crazy, like, 1, I get to write about Loki for school and 2, it's a competition that I'm almost certain I'll win, and I mean, I love winning.

But then I school down a little further. 100 WORDS IS ALL YOU'RE ALOUD! I CANT DO THAT.

I still wanna win so I'm going to do it as a 1st draft - don't bother w the amount of words, and a 2nd and maybe 3rd draft that is the same thing just with a few cut down words and sentences to help me try and get the limit right. And then I obviously decided that I should post it on wattpad :)

This is the 1st draft:

Loki's pov

I sat alone, in my bedroom, alone with only thoughts to guide me. Was this really happening? I thought was I really "the monster, that children about at night"? What would I do? How would Thir react? How would mother? Or do they aleready know? Where they, too, keeping lies from me, my entire life? It didn't make sense. They love me don't they? They me enough to never lie to me. Don't they?

Odin's POV

My plan was coming together nicely. Loki, my "son" found out the truth so now, when I find elenktís myaloú can use it to controll that Monsters mind and the public will believe that this this is the kind of, thing Loki would do once I tell them the story. He may be heartbroken if I betral betray him like this, and Thor when I turn Loki on him, but if I wanted to keep my throne, then all of my blood relatives must die...

After months of planning, and searching, I found it. Elenktís myaloú meaning "Mind controller" in Greek. The powerful weapon of the great King zues, however, this was not spoken of in the great myths of old, for it took to many lives and was forced to never be spoken of again.

But I had found it.

Lokis pov

I walked slowly through the halls of Asgards great palace, ready to meet up with Odin. I had no idea what he wanted me for but I continued anyway. When I reached the Great Hall, where Odin requested to meet, I was met with an instant, blinding flash. Odin stood before me, a large crystal, looking, almost like clear quartz, in hand, with a bright white arm coming from it, reaching out towards me. It seemed to varish into my skull and suddenly an ear- piercing ringing fell into my ears, and my brain suddenly felt almost numb. I couldn't do anything. Until Odin whispered something into my ear: "kill Thor". And I had no chice, but to obey.

I staggered zombie - like through the familiar halls of Asgard, once again, this time, heading straight to the gatekeeper of Asgard, Heimdal. After his reckless attack, Thor was sent to Earth as punishment, so that's exactly where I went.

A blast of green magic slammed open the door to where my brother was, and I charged in, instantly summoning a dagger and swiping at Thors neck. The attack was strange and unexpected to him so Thor, unprepared, fell to the ground. I tried to hod back as best as possible, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't possible at all.

Thor and I continued to fight and fight, until we ended up back on Asgard, at the top of the rainbow Bridge. "I will not fight you brother!" He yelled.

"I'm not your brother. I never was." The battle continued further, each swing of my sceptre or Thors great hammer causing more damage to my mind. Did he not understand? Did he really think I was capable of such an act as killing one  oof the only people who ever loved me? We may not be blood related but I loved him, and our mother, all the same.

It was too much. I was dangling from the Bifrost soon enough. What shocked me the most was that it was Odin who was holding Thor, who was holding me. At that moment, my mind was my own, once again. I looked at Odin, tears filling up in my eyes, which were full of sorrow and betral. "I could have done it father! I could have done it! For you. For all of us." Maybe thor wouldn't know what I meant by that, but I knew Odin would.

I could have been the person he wanted me to be. I didn't have to be the monster.

And this is the final (5th) draft which only uses 103 words:

I never really belonged on Asgard. Especially after my own father turned me into a villain.

I was face to face with my "father" Odin. In his hand, a clear, ragged crystal. Suddenly, a blinding, white light shot out of it, like lightning. A ribbon of magic reached towards me and slithered into my ear, a sharp piercing sound overwhelming my mind. My head felt numb. Paralysed.

I could still hear the shouts kof Thor that day, still taste the guilt Ln my tounge and feel all the pain. But Thor would never understood. Nor would he ever believe that his father controlled me.

This is awful but oh well. 2 updates in 1 day though!

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