Brotherly love (FrostIron, 2301 words)

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📝Description: Thor and Loki go to Vormir.📝

Ship: they aren't the main focus of this one but there is FrostIron and Thruce and Romanogers.🏳️‍🌈❤

⚠️Warnings: Character death, suicidal thoughts and mentions of past self harm⚠️

🕐Time: During Avengers: Endgame but in Infinity War, Loki didn't die (basically he still did the stabby thing but Thanos somehow didn't kill him when he hurt his neck so Thor held onto him and was in the guardians ship, being cared for and he only woke up a few weeks after the blip)🕐

Lokis pov

Me and my brother stood at the top of the towering cliff waiting for something to happen. The cold wind swirled around us and caused my hair to go flying into my face in all directions. I looked over to my brother to see his eyes glazed over in thought. "Brother." I said and he turned to face me. "We both know who it has to be."

"I do. Maybe you don't." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Maybe we should do get help." I said, chuckling; when I saw my brothers face, I stopped.

"Loki what are you talking about?"

"You know what I mean. It has to be me and you know it. Deep down you do. You have to go home. Go back to Bruce and forget about me. "

"But- but I need you. So does Tony. And Morgan. You can't leave your family we all need you."

"The universe needs Thor. Not me. And- and I can't live without you. I- I just can't." I watched a tear fall down the side of Thors face.

I stepped away from the God of Thunder, closer to the edge. Thor stood up from the rock he was sitting on and started getting closer to me so I broke into a run when a strong force hit me. I was thrown to the ground as Mjlonlir swooped past me, it's force causing me to go off course.

Seeing my brother, running to the edge, I got up and threw two twin daggers at him, his hands getting thrown to the floor as the daggers caught his sleeves and stabbed into the ground. Unfortunately, he ripped the sleeves easily so I just did the best thing I thought I could do. I ran. Blasting fireworks of green light at Thor to delay him as I made my way closer to the edge, not hesitating as I took a huge leap and jumped.

I closed my eyes, getting ready to meet the stone, cold floor and reaching my death, but I felt a strong hand wrapping round my arm. I saw Thor, dangling on a wire that came from his belt, his hand holding onto me so tight, I thought it would go numb.

"Brother. You have to let me do this." I pleaded.

"I can't. Please, Loki, brother I can't lose you. " He sobbed.

Tears fell from my eyes, "You have to. Its ok. It's ok. Just let me go."

"No. No I can't. I can't let you go now. Not after I saved you from doing that to yourself. Why would I save your life, just to let you go now?"

"I- Thor, please. I'm ready to die. I wanted to for so long five years ago. So I'm ready now."

Thor shook his head, tears falling off his nose, his bottom lip quivering.

"It's gonna be ok." I sniffed, "I- I want to see mother again. And father. I want to see them and tell them I'm sorry." I was now sobbing, "I love you so much brother. Please take care of Morgan and Tony, and yourself." I didn't wait for a response.

I pushed off the side of the cliff with my feet and used my remaining strength to pull my arm free of my brother's grasp.

The air felt like shards of tiny splinters of glass as it rushed past me. I closed my eyes whispering "jeg elsker deg bror." Before I felt a horrendous pain, smashing against my back and head, pulling out all the nerves in my body before I just felt...

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