"I am here to help" (Platonic Scarletfrost, 1266 words)

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Look at the meme and the comment below it ^^^ 😭

📝Description: an AU where Loki and Wanda meet after 'WandaVision' (I mentally changed it to WandaNat) and Endgame but where Loki is alive in it. (The break in the multiverse still happens because instead of Loki happening because of 2012 Loki it happens because Endgane Loki wasn't supposed to live, but after the blip, the TVA couldn't get him until about 2 days after Tony died) and become BFFs when a break of the timeline leads to unwanted tears.📝

❤Ship: past/dead Scarletwidow, past/dead FrostIron and platonic Scarletfrost🏳️‍🌈❤

⚠️Warnings: past death, mentions of self harm, mentions of suicide and depression⚠️

🕐Time: after WandaVision and Loki.🕐

Wanda's pov

Ever since the Westview incident, I had been living on a secluded farm in the middle of no where when Loki appeared. He explained what had happened and after I explained my own story to him and we became the closest of friends. We fought off some breakages of the timeline together but other than that, we lived as happy as two people who had lost everything could do.

He often talked about Thor and his mother and how much he missed and longed for them, which usually ended in tears and of him going to his room. Multiple times I had caught him hurting himself after mentions of the family he had lost. When I talked about my lost family it ended in similar ways.

I missed them so much. Natasha the most. We had been together for a few years but I has lost her for a stupid stone. Loki lost her too as within the five years that they knew eachother, they had grown very close. But my bestfriend also suffered a major loss. Two in fact. Well not including his mother, father, home and children. Tony and Loki had got married after two years of knowing eachother and being majorly in love, after the blip. But the amazing Iron Man had to die. Just like my 'Tasha.

But unfortunately, during the battle against Thanos, Valkyrie had died to save Loki's life. They were also the closest of friends and she was dating Thor at the time.

Because of his loss, completely ignoring the fact that he would be leaving his brother all alone, Thor killed himself a day after his lover died. Broken by his loss.

Loki was soon taken by the TVA where he had his heart broken two more times. The guy had gone through so much shit, just like me, we were perfect for comforting eachother.

One day, we were picking apples from our orchard when there was a big bright light. We both looked around in shock, knowing that the light was a breakage in the timeline.

We both prepared our magic, red and green balls of light floating in our hands.

I turned as soon as there was a small sound coming from behind us.

We both spun around just to see a weird white blob thing.

We stood there in complete confusion and shock.

The thing was a weird blown up white puffy thing in the shape of a fat body, with a line and two small dots as eyes. Clambering around next to it was a short, skinny boy with sticky out black hair, wearing a red shirt and blue jacket.

"Oh, hey, sorry about that." He took a moment to realise something "Where are we?"

"You're in New Jersey." (I had to look up where Westview was and this was one of the results, the other being something called Bergen County so I didn't know what to put) I said.


"Yes. Now who are you and why are you here?" Loki demanded.

"Umm... well I'm Hiro Hamada and this is Baymax." He explained, "Who are you?"

"You might not want to know." Loki said, his eyes dropping as he remembered all that he had done.

"Why not? Just tell me."

"Ok." Loki said unenthusiasticly, "I am Loki and this is Wanda. Ring any bells?"

"Err...nooo...? Am I supposed to?"

"Well yes, kind of. I killed like over a hundred people in 2012." He said, a guilty look peaking in through his mask.

"Really? I think I'd remember a mass murderer."

"Wait!" Loki said suddenly, "Maybe they're from a completely alternate reality where we don't exist. All the others we have met have still known us, we just look different or have a slightly different story or different gender or something but maybe in this one we don't exist at all."

"That sounds reasonable." I said before sending a telepathic message to Loki, "do you think we should hurt them?"

"Not yet."

"Sooo, how the hell do I get home?" Hiro asked.

"Oh. We actually hadn't thought about that before." Loki said sheepishly.

"Yeah well most of the people that come through we end up killing." I explained, almost sad, after all, I had once had to kill my own brother, or a different version of him anyway.

"Well then I guess you can live with us until we figure it out." Loki suggested.

"Ok then but what about baymax, can he live with us too?" The boy said frantically.

"Sure, why not but what is he though?" Loki asked cautiously stepping forwards and poking the white blob thing.

"I am sensing a great amount of pushed back grief and anger coming from you. Can I suggest you listen to some calming music?" Baymax said in a robotic voice.

Then some strange peaceful music started coming from him.

Loki looked furious.

"Music?! Fu- Fricking music?!" Loki managed to stop himself from swearing, not noticing that the kid seemed about twelve or thirteen. It was kinda cute.

The God of Mischief stepped forwards and started apparently attacking Baymax followed by a "How do you turn this stupid thing off?!"

I ran forwards and tried to help both Loki and Baymax, looking around for a mute button of some sort but soon the pent up anger was detected by baymax.

"I am here to help."

Both of us instantly stopped and took a glance at eachother and then the floor. I felt tears in my eyes and when I looked over Loki had the same reaction. I didn't even say anything. No one really helped me anymore or cared about my welfare or happiness, apart from Loki of course.

Tears fell out of my eyes and next to me, Loki fell to his knees tears cascading silently from his emerald eyes. "My brother and I used to do get help..." He croaked.

"There, there." Baymax said patting me and Loki on the head as he let his head collapse into Baymax's air-filled belly. I sat down slowly, next to him and I hugged my friend closely, allowing my tears to get soaked up I his shirt.

"I have no idea what happened to you guys but you definitely need therapy. Maybe Baymax can be your therapy while you figure out how to get us home."

"Yeah, that would be nice." I said and I saw Lokis head nod.

Ever since then, Baymax managed to let our pain dimmen a bit. It was far from gone but it was nice to have days where it felt almost nonexistent.

Hey, sorry this was short, I just saw this meme and instantly thought OMG I HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT THIS, soooo yeah. Anyway hope you enjoyed.

Also happy valentines day! I bagsee either Loki, Wanda or Kate to be my valentines date :)

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