another place (no ship, 3113 words)

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📝Description: Loki's experience with Thanos.📝

❤Ship: none (maybe slight mentions of some, probably Fandroki or something)🏳️‍🌈❤

⚠️Warnings: a lot, torture of many kinds, starvation, attempted suicide, self harming, rape, just be prepared for anything. (Also all of these things will be very detailed) ⚠️

🕑Time: after loki falls into the Void after Thor 1.🕑

Lokis pov


My lips were dry, begging for water.

My ears were ringing, begging to hear sound.

My eyes were blurred, begging to see light.

My hands were sore, begging to be touched.

My heart burned, begging to be loved, whilst my body felt heavy, begging to be hugged.

The wind swirling through my hair. The wind sucked from my lungs. Each breath like a stab in the heart. Yet no scream, no whimper, no sliver of sound came from my mouth.

All I could see was darkness.


Just endless black nothingness. As if each star, each constellation, each moon, of the universe, was plucked from existence leaving but a blank space of dark.

There seemed to be no end. No floor to land on, weather that be painful or not, but either way, my excruciatingly painful life seemed to stand stronger in depth of pain than what I was prepared for when I hit the end.

When it did indeed come, the agony was so harsh I did not feel it.

But he did.

The man I now so loath with all of my being.

He grabbed my limp body with a huge, purple hand and took it to there. There where I was to spend what felt like an eternity.

I felt his hand wrap around my broken ribs, I don't know how I felt it. I could feel, just not to the extent I should have. Like an emotion or mental feeling rather than what I was physically experiencing.

I don't know how long it was until I woke up.

My eyes opened, slowly, and the first thing that hit me, wasn't that I was chained to a wall, but the painful truth that I was still perfectly alive.

"I see you have awoken, Jotun runt." A dark, booming voice came. From behind the voice, appeared the man who had brought me here, clad in gold armour against his purple skin.

The third thing that hit me was him. Not metaphorical this time, he swiped across my face with a strong purple fist, laughing maliciously.

"For a god, you are so weak. This is why I have high expectations for you."

He proceeded to explain what he wanted and what would happen if I didn't comply.

"You will go to earth and retrieve something for me. A blue glowing cube that holds an infinity stone. Of course you know what they are. You are smart. I wish for you to retrieve the space stone which is inside said cube, the tesseract. Get it for me and earth will be yours to rule. You want a planet to rule yes? And that brother of yours... Well he loves his Midgard and his Midgardian, Jane. Kill her, hurt her, do whatever you like to her and you can get revenge on your brother."

"You know not of what I want. I want to be Thor's equal, I want to be loved by Thor the way he loves me, I want to be his brother again, like when we were children. Not to hurt him, nor to rule over him. I will not do this thing for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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