A soul for a soul (SpiderFrost, 2191 words)

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📝Description: A Time where Loki doesn't die at the start of IW and neither does Peter P but Thor dies in replacement of Pete. 📝

⚠️Warnings: Character death, suicidal thoughts, slight mentions of torture and self harm, the five stages of grief.⚠️

Ship: Spiderfrost and Pepperony.🏳️‍🌈❤

🕐Time: During Avengers Endgame when and before they go back in time.🕐

Loki's pov

I was sat in the back seat of the car, holding hands with my boyfriend, Peter, whilst Nat and Steve were in the front, driving us to Tony's house.

We stepped out the car to see Tony carrying a young girl inside. It broke my heart. Seeing a parent with their child after all of mine were either brutally taken away from me or dead.

We managed to get Tony to sit down and talk to us, Scott and Steve mostly explaining their idea. Tony refused.

The others walked away, acceptance of failure in their hearts but before Tony could walk away, I stopped him.

I nodded to the others, signalling that I'd catch up. "What do you want Reindeer Games?"

"Congratulations. On Morgan." I said simply.

"Is this you being nice just to try and convince me to do what you want me to do?"

"No. I just... we all just found out that you had a child and no one said anything. I know how that feels. I've had two children in my lifetime and the second anyone found out about both of them they would shout at me. Well Odin would. And Thor would laugh. But that was mainly because they were both animals."

Tony gave me a strange look, "One was a wolf, the other an eight legged horse. The second Odin found out I had given birth to Sleipnir, the horse, he took him from me and beat him and broke him down so he was nothing other than a machine for Odin. Because of the fact he ever existed, Odin hit me, repeatedly. With a whip. I never got him back. I have no idea if he is alive or not but..." I trailed off. "He may have been a horse but he had emotions, he felt things, maybe even more than I did and... and he was a child. So..."

Tony frowned, "What happened to the wolf?"

"Fenris. He was difficult. When he was first born - also I am not going into detail of how I fathered him - he was an adorable little pup. He was mischievous and tested my will to live many times but I still love him. But someone took him. Odin found out about him and he threatened to kill him and hurt me but thankfully he never did. Thor managed to convince him otherwise. But someone else took him; I had no idea who they were until five years ago during Ragnarok. It was Hela my 'sister' Thor's literal sister. The Hulk killed Fenris after he sided with Hela." Tears threatened to fall but I refused to let them.

"I'm so sorry Loki. Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you have a child. A young one. I have been in both the shoes of losing a parent and losing a child and neither of them did me any good. You know what losing a parent feels like. Don't do that to your daughter by doing this mission. Or to Peter. And promise me you will do whatever you can to protect both of them. And Pepper."

Tony looked at me, determined and willing to do whatever it took to keep his children safe. "I will. And whilst we're on the topic of Peter..." he smirked at me and raised and eyebrow.

"What about him?"

"How's your relationship doing? You done the dirty with my son?" He tried to make himself sound angry but ended up smiling.

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