Chapter 3

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Erin has a problem. In the days following the incident at the bar, she couldn't stop wondering about the same thing. Everything seemed fresh. She wasn't thinking about the fight nor did she care about the injury she got. Her Uncle Rick doesn't have any idea about what had happened. And she had no plans of telling him anyway. She was thinking more about that man he saw from that night.

She felt like she have seen him already before. She couldn't tell when and where just yet, but Erin could be certain about it. Especially  now that she couldn't refrain herself from think much about that guy. Which only gets her much more curious and confused, that she would find herself staying in the same place she went a lot of times, hoping he'll catch sight of that man again just so she'll figure her assumptions were correct.

She's been thinking much about that over than the plan she's supposed to have by now. Although there's nothing serious happened in the past few days, no one can tell if the situation is getting worse or what, now that Moira hasn't got any other excuses to cover up Erin to their father, and all the decision making Erin had left her. But it looks like Erin had seriously been dragged into this. She got even more persistent to know who that man is.

She wasn't surprised when the two employees who work at the bar, Christa and Jade had suspected her.

Christa and Jade easily recognize Erin but they have no idea what her real intention is. A lot of people are looking for their boss every night and it would be risky to trust anyone like Erin. And that's when Erin started using what she have learned from her experience. She do research and based on what he learned, the bar had been running for almost five years now. It even has high ratings and good feedback from the customers.

There was nothing else on the internet about the owner, not even a single photo aside from the given name, Raven Williams who's probably the one she was looking for. But the problem is, she doesn't know anyone whose name is Raven Williams. However, she's still holding on to her speculation, that she has seen him before.

"Who are you?" Erin mumbles to herself as she lay down on the couch and closes her eyes when she realizes how hard she has been thinking about that guy.

"I'm not going to break my promise. I promise."

Erin quickly sat up as though she's been awake from a nightmare when she was only reminded of the man at the bar and the boy she met many years ago.

Things began to get flurry while she try to concatenate the ideas, and she was uncertain of how it turns out.

"It can't be..." There's another thought building up inside her head which makes it harder, to sum up, everything.

There's no way that man she saw at the bar is the same person she met before. As much as she wants to hold on to it, she also couldn't disregard the fact that there is a possibility.

She couldn't be more settled with the idea. But if there is one thing Erin can do then that is to clarify everything's out.

"Erin!" She looked over at her Uncle. "You saying something? I heard you mumbling."

"No, I was just talking to myself."

"Was that even normal?" They both giggle as she watched her Uncle go back to what's keeping him busy lately.

"You've been sitting there the whole time." She hovered to his Uncle to see nothing but papers. A lot of papers. "I thought you are a cop. What's with all these papers?"

Uncle Rick glared at Erin, putting down his cup of coffee to pay attention to what Erin said. "Really? Why, what do you think about my job? Arresting people is that what you think your Uncle is doing in his thirty years of service? Man, didn't your mother tell you how much did I put all of my willingness and—"

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