Chapter 15

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There are lots of thoughts running inside her head. Looking down at her hands which were almost coated with blood and gashes, she suddenly recalled when was the last time she's been like the person she had been earlier. She had given Basher what he deserves but still wasn't enough to disregard. Unfortunately, Basher wasn't the one to condone something crucial.

Raven came inside with a glass of water and medicine kit. He takes a seat from across Erin. He's about to clean the gashes on her face when he realizes Erin is now looking at him in the eyes.

"Is this really how you live?" She finally spoke. There's no expression on her face and her voice is almost quiet. "Is this really how you wanted to live for the rest of your life?"

"Would you still want to become one of us?" That is not the answer Raven has in mind. "Our existence is difficult more than you think it is." 

"And you're still thinking I didn't know how it feels... when you already dragged me into this?" Her words make Raven want to ask her about the question he'd been wanting to ask but doesn't know where to begin. "I'm serious." Raven only bobbed his head and attempt to clean the bruises on her face but Erin insisted.

While Erin was cleaning her face, Raven was only looking into her face. He could barely remember the last time he had stared at Erin this close. His last memories of her were when she was still a little kid. She had grown up a completely different person, though she'd always remind her of Moira, they weren't completely the same. There is something about Erin that makes her distinct. But in a good way.

"How's Moira?"

Erin brings her eyes back at Raven. She studied his face before she chuckle. "Why are you asking? It's not like you really care about her, right?"

"Did she know about these?"

"It's none of your business." She commented after a long pause.

Erin's just not sure about what will she say. In fact, she doesn't even know how she would tell her. Perhaps she'll only keep these a secret. And also, she didn't want to tell him how's Moira doing now. After all, she knows Raven never cares about her. And Raven knows she will say those but he did not repent asking.

He broke into a sigh and rose. "If you still wanted to have a normal life, away from trouble, you'd better get out of sight. I'm not going to let you join us, and that's final."

When Raven came out of the room, Migz, Lay, and Brandon were waiting for him but he ignore their presence. The boys were still terrified after they'd eavesdropped on purpose. The three had come after him.

"Raven, let's talk." Migz attempted once they all climbed to the car, heading inside the bar.

When they arrived and entered the bar, they saw Steffen sitting on one of the toolbars. And Christa shortly walked towards Raven.

"Boss, I keep telling him we're already close but he wouldn't listen."

Christa explained. She was a bit hesitant when Raven told her it was fine and she could go but she also have no other choice.

"What's with the sudden appearance?" Brandon asked and Steffen beamed.

"Nothing serious. I just like to congratulate you. You've done a great job making Basher even pissed off you."

"Cut the crop. Just spill what're you here for." Lay interjected. He suddenly gets frantic with the sight of Steffen after planting a strong punch on the face earlier in the fight. "Did Basher send you here?"

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