Chapter 36

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All eyes are on Steffen who's been sitting on the couch for almost twenty minutes now. The same time everyone's wondering what with his sudden appearance. Suddenly they whirled around once the door finally opened, revealing Raven who's went straight to Steffen.

"Hi." Steffen greeted him but Raven shows no changes in his expression. It was as blank as it has been lately, but today seems a little different. His aura's a bit lighter compared these past few days and they're glad  with it and how he's get going despite all.

"What is it?" He finally asked him, and Steffen raise his brow as he lean back.

"Come on. Have you forgot we still working together. I mean, you haven't forgot our condition right? We still hadn't get what we wanted, and I am here to give you a hand." He explained casually but Raven didn't bother responding. He only thinks of what Steffen is planning now.

It's true that Steffen had given them so much help, but they were not expecting he'll be this serious of taking Basher down.

Speaking of Basher. They hadn't seen him since that night or even heard about him  but Raven stayed quite about it. He doesn't want to think about him as much as he could. Not because he knows what he could do to him but because he feels like he's had enough. He could no longer see the point of doing the same thing like it would bring back what's done.

Steffen cleared his throat and rose from his seat. "Well, just so you know. Benedict will be attending an auction. A lot of syndicates would be there who might have connection with him and might know about your father." He looked at Raven while waiting for his reply. "What do you think?"

"What do you want in return?"

He then looked at Lay who couldn't refrain from asking. "Nothing in particular. I'm just doing our agreement. All you gotta to do is stick on your goal." Their eyes pinched small. "I know how you could trick on Benedict, and also, you had a chance to meet people who might know what you're looking for."

No one in the room got to say anything. Steffen's proposed idea is a smart one. Although it might sounds easy but sure it's gonna be the same thing as what they had gone through. After all it's always up to Raven what's his decision gonna be.

"So, what do you think?"

"Do you know how we could get in there?" Erin brought everyone's attention when he asked Steffen, and Steffen was so excited to reply.

"Yah, of course. I've already got a plan, and if you would want to I could give you a hand."

"How do you think I get the attention of Benedict?"

Raven who isn't talking was only looking at Erin when he started asking questions. He is as clueless as everyone in the room are, but before Steffen could give an answer Raven finally spoke.

"Why are you asking?" He asked, although he's getting what Erin might be thinking right now. Erin didn't respond as she waits for what is Steffen's gonna say next.

"Well, Benedict always keeping an eye to this one craft ever since before. It would be released in the auction and I'm sure he'll keep his eyes on it won't let other take it. You know what I'm thinking, right?"

Things haven't gone well recently, and Raven hadn't think of any plans yet. Although he'll get advantage to this, he still couldn't be sure what his decision gonna be.

"We're doing it."

"What?!" Kylie squeaked as soon as she heard what Erin said. Everyone in the room couldn't be more perplexed with what's got into Erin.

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