Chapter 47

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Raven was feeling mixed of emotions as they walked inside the garage that is enormous. It only looks like it hasn't been used for a long time now.

"Are you ready?" He swift his gaze to Benedict and sent him a confused look, hoping he'll explain what he meant by that but Benedict only chuckled.

Raven really had a bad feeling about it. Even though he's making himself believe his assumption aren't true, he still couldn't help not to think about the possibilities.

He was not able to ask him question when they continued inside with Steffen while Migz and the others were left outside.

He scanned the area and looked at the men all over the area and it didn't take long when they saw few men make their appearance, and Raven who's looking intently couldn't be more shocked the moment his eyes went to that person in the middle.

He cannot believe his eyes that he spaced out and ruminate if if it really is him.

"Achlys." Raven was brought back to the present when Robert appeared in front him. He was surprised that he doesn't know what to do and why can't he move a muscle. "It was nice to see you again, Achlys or should I say... Raven."

The way they exchange glances with each other brought all the memories Raven had back then. He's known Robert fair enough from what Moira has been telling him. He only met him in person once and also the last time he's able to, and he can tell he's a total intimidating person.

Ever since before, Robert has never liked Raven, and even after how many years nothing has changed. Robert still hated him with the fact that it seemed like Moira isn't going to be the only one that get enclosed to Raven.

A long silence had occured, and Raven's having struggle sinking what is happening right now. He doesn't know where to begin, and a lot of questions running through his head he wants have an answers.

He then thought about Erin all of a sudden. He started guessing if she knows about this or anything about what's up with his father.

It's been a long time since the first and last time he'd met him and he doesn't have idea  how this happened, but now that he sees everything with his own eyes it only makes it harder to know what Erin's gonna say about this.

"It sounds like a reunion's going on in here." Benedict said which grabbed Robert's attention.

"Mr. Benedict! I'm glad to finally meet you."

"Oh it's my pleasure. I've always wanted to meet you." They then shake hands infront Raven who's lost for words.

"I'm really glad you did as what we agreed to."

"Of course. I don't want to put shame on myself." They laughed while Steffen who's been standing next to Benedict couldn't be more confused. He had no idea what is going on and how come Robert knew Raven.

"You're not here for a business, don't you?" Raven finally spoke which caught everyone's attention. "You planned this, don't you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Benedict admitted. "I was only surprised you seemed to knew each other very well."

Raven wasn't realizing how hard he was clenching his fist. It's now getting clear why he's standing infront of this man.

"Look, Achlys—Raven whatever you call yourself. If I'm the one to ask? I would never want to see you again nor was I happy to see you being around my daughter before. You know I don't like you, and yeah, I'd rather not wished to see you again. I know I wasn't really good father to my daughters but I'm still a father." His face is getting serious as he said those words in his face. "Do you think I would forget what you did? How my daughter has to live with only one leg because of you." He said those words indignantly while pointing his finger at him.

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