Chapter 19

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Just after Erin had untied them, Raven couldn't hide the worried expression on his face as he looks at Erin.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did they do anything to you? How are you able to escape?"

"What?" Her brow raised, giving Raven a confused look. "Yeah I was caught up but I managed to fight back beforehand and I was able to escape. Wait... could it be Kylie?" Migz ears perked up at the mention of Kylie's name.

"Aren't you two together?"

"Yeah but, we parted ways."

Migz strived to stay as calm as possible. "Do you know where'd they bring her?"

Erin shakes his head. "No, I don't. I have no clue where they'd bring her."

"How about the others?" Raven asked this time.

"Not good. The situation turns a lot more complicated and everyone might be in trouble."

It was then Raven realize he had underestimated all that could possibly happen. Steffen hadn't told them anything they should be prepared for and now Raven has to think about plans before he could even make an act.

"I'll go look for Kylie and check the others. You can go back to the office and find something useful."

As soon as Migz left the room, Erin followed Raven going to the office. Once they successfully sneaked inside, Erin went straight to the computer, and Raven proceeded to scour through the pile of paper.

That was the first time Erin was gratified for having insight into computers. In the last ten years of being his father's servant, there are so many things Erin is required of doing something that is out of his will.

He easily hacked the computer and proceeded to rummage through the files.

"Look." Raven comes over to Erin and looks at the monitor.

Erin just found an actual file from the auction held on May 7th. There were hundreds of names on the list which includes the name of his father. But in the next list of names that show the numbers of death from that incident, there is no Arthur Collymore included.

Erin and Raven looked at each other as if they were thinking the same. Just when Erin is about to get back scouring, the door bursts open. Two men came in and Raven had to fight back.

"Go!" Erin was brought back to the present when she hear his voice.


"Just go. We had enough for now. I'll handle this myself." Erin was having second thoughts but she doesn't want to be a burden so she ends up deciding to jump off the window and look for the others.

Raven didn't stop throwing random punches at whoever got in his way. Fighting with the same people isn't new to him but he had regret about lowering his guard down.

Carl abruptly pulled out a knife and Raven was able to dodge his supposed attack.

Carl had wrapped his arm over Raven's neck. Raven could feel the tip of the knife teasing the back of his neck.

"I'm not letting you free," Carl uttered which made Raven snigger.

"But I refuse." He replied as he nudged him from behind with force but Carl still managed to fight back. After a couple of moments of throwing punches Carl attempted to kick him, Raven held his leg and twisted him around which made Carl end up laying on the floor.

He looked at him for a few seconds but just when he was about to run out he suddenly came to a halt when he felt something on the left side of his stomach.

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