Chapter 10

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The more she attempt not to think about what happened, the more she couldn't abstain from doing so. She wasn't aware how many times she's been involved in a fight until she get to recall it. Until now Erin could still feel Basher's grip on his wrist. Although she has been through it a lot of times already she still couldn't believe she got it for almost one month getting enclosed with Raven. Specifically because of Raven.

The person he was before doesn't have any distinction from what he is today. He's still the same person who gets into fights and had someone involved, just like what he did to Moira back when they were still together.

She has an explicit desire to let him pay for everything. But she couldn't disregard the possibility of how her life is going to be if she would keep herself close to him. Distancing herself from Raven would be a smart choice to avoid her getting into trouble.

Erin suddenly realize she has a phone when it started blaring. She had a second thought about answering a call from an unknown number but end up picking up the call.

"Who is this?"

"Found you." Her eyes widened once he learned it was his father speaking. "I know you'll hang this up, but I would still ask you to listen to me first."

"I don't need to hear anything from you."

"Come on, it's been a while. You have no idea how much you had made me so worried about you. I've been looking for you everywhere. You left without your father's permission. I must be scolding you by now. But I'd like to know how's my daughter doing. You're lurking great, Erin."

"What do you want?" She asked when he realize he couldn't withstand her father's sarcasm.

"You know very well what I wanted. Show up, and serve for me, Erin." She hangs up the call and takes a seat.

She began steadying herself when she feel like she'll just punch anything around her.

All this time, she knows her father doesn't see her as her daughter anymore. She's now just a servant to him. Someone he could control and use for his satisfaction to get whatever he desires.

She was pulled out from his thought when her Uncle came out of his room, unusually dressed up at seven in the evening. As much as she wants to ask him, she couldn't. She feels like they haven't communicated for a very long time since the last time they had spoken. Things started to change. They weren't talking too much and it bothers her.

She just doesn't know how to approach him.

"I know you want to ask me a question." Rick noticed Erin.

"An obvious question. Where are you going?"

"I'm out for a job."

"At this late night?"

The conversation seemed so rigid, which her Uncle had quickly learned.

He strode and sat from across the table Erin is sitting. The silence made them both relish the steam and aroma coming from the hot cup of coffee in front of Erin.

"How do you feel staying here?"

"What's with the sudden question?" 

He shrugged. "I just like to know."

Erin was thinking maybe her Uncle is trying to change the subject but it was all because he was just trying to lighten up the mood so they could talk the way they should.

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